I found out online and verified in the game, that there's a critical ability every player has access to that the tutorial and controls don't tell you about.
I am talking about Destiny's [b]cover system[/b].
Yes, that's right, Destiny has a cover system that few know about, and is never mentioned in the tutorial. It's easy to perform and it's extremely useful for all classes.
The way the cover system works is that you go find waist-high or higher cover, something you can see over while standing. You get behind this cover, then you crouch, and when you want to fire at the enemy you just need to AIM DOWN SIGHTS and your character will pop up over the cover AUTOMATICALLY to fire. When you want to get back under cover, just RELEASE the aim button and your character will automatically duck down again.
WARNING: Your character will only pop up while aiming to shoot, you CANNOT ADS and then toss a grenade, or your character will drop back down and throw it at your cover. If you want to throw a grenade from cover, you must stand up and throw it, then crouch back down behind your cover.
Edit: make sure to like this topic and give it a bump for other Guardians to see.
Just discovered this recently, it works great on bosses like phogoth or valus ta'arc.
Wait.... This works?! Omg... Why did I not know this?! Thank you!
If you are 20+ and didn'r know. pace palm yourself off the highest available object
What. I had no idea. I've been playing this forever and I didn't even notice.
Indeed! There's also active reloading! Just start reloading, and the moment that your ammo counter changes you can initiate a Sprint/ change weapons to cancel the rest of the reloading animation.
Discovered this in the beta. Never us with though. It doesn't cater to destiny's game play type. Enemies have to much health and are too mobile to stay in one spot too long. It has certain situational uses but as a general rule you can ignore it and be just fine.
Also, weapons on spider tanks like the thing that shoots the blue orbs, can be shot off. I'm amazed at the amount of people that don't know this. Makes the fight soooooo much easier.
I will be completely honest, i use a lot of cover but had no idea about this specific cover system lol I didn't know your character would automatically stand up and sit back down when toggling ADS, will have to try this.
Mother of god.... Thanks!
I noticed this in the raid and figured everyone but me knew, and I was just the noob for not knowing lol. Wow, seemingly a lot of people didn't know either. That's hilarious
I.....had.....no....idea.....*looks down shamefully *
Lol at all the hipsters
Lol at all the hipsters
Yeah I showed my friends this weeks ago, it can come in very useful. It works fairly well on the Mars strike boss with some of the crates.
I discovered this early in the beta while playing PvP on the venus map. I was on some pillar that had cover between the flags C and B. I aimed and it raised me up. I released and dropped back down. Really great mechanic. I love how Destiny leaves you alone to learn by yourself.
Edited by GalvatronVTS: 11/5/2014 9:36:00 PMDiscovered this while seeing how hidden I could be while shooting. Works well for Aetheon if your group doesn't want to do the central platform method, that's assuming nobody has already taken the cover spots. Just let go of aim when giant purple shit is coming at you like kids to an ice cream truck.
What! (Pops up from cover) . . . . . this is common sense in games nowa-days . . . . . . . . back into my cave :P
Perhaps this is what you wish Bungie made.
I use this all the time on the nexus strike. There is a block to the right of the entrance that I use to shield from his blast and pop and shoot.
I knew about it... It was in the beta and it isn't a big secret
Had no idea this was implemented in the game.
Oh... my f-ing days
Try this out in pvp. It's absolutely brutal on some maps and your k/d will shoot way up. Most of the players I've used this against died a handful of times before they realized what I was doing or simply stopped coming my way.
I've only know this for a few weeks but I use it a lot now. It reminds me of Far Cry 3, but just a trimmed-down, simpler form of it. No special animations or firing around corners, but still very useful.