I found out online and verified in the game, that there's a critical ability every player has access to that the tutorial and controls don't tell you about.
I am talking about Destiny's [b]cover system[/b].
Yes, that's right, Destiny has a cover system that few know about, and is never mentioned in the tutorial. It's easy to perform and it's extremely useful for all classes.
The way the cover system works is that you go find waist-high or higher cover, something you can see over while standing. You get behind this cover, then you crouch, and when you want to fire at the enemy you just need to AIM DOWN SIGHTS and your character will pop up over the cover AUTOMATICALLY to fire. When you want to get back under cover, just RELEASE the aim button and your character will automatically duck down again.
WARNING: Your character will only pop up while aiming to shoot, you CANNOT ADS and then toss a grenade, or your character will drop back down and throw it at your cover. If you want to throw a grenade from cover, you must stand up and throw it, then crouch back down behind your cover.
Edit: make sure to like this topic and give it a bump for other Guardians to see.
Your shitting me, this isn't a troll? I have a 30 hunter, and 27 titan and I have yet to find this out o.o
Ha I already use this what did I get a rocket to the face no joke
Knew about it but pass it on man
Its called contextual leaning and i knew about it since the beta. Its becoming more popular with FPS's these days.
I discovered this on the first time Mars was the Nightfall
I find it annoying as I'm not used to it
I have known this since day one , found it really useful during control on shores of time
Yeah I figured this out awhile ago . Also, when holding the relic and standing on the ground if you press jump and then smash quick enough it deletes the jump animation.
Until Bungie says "This isn't how we wanted Destiny to be played" or, "This mechanic isn't working as intended" lol [spoiler]jk....maybe[/spoiler]
I discovered this myself back when you could hide under the deck in the archon priest strike. Since then I've found a few other places where it works. It's indeed very useful!
The only time I always use it is during the valus tuarc boss
I like how they added it to destiny but at times I feel like it doesn't work even when you do find cover. It's a good thing to have for PvE when you want to duck and cover from a ton of enemy fire but in PvP I've found it very useless and I never see myself use the mechanic.
I didn't realize people don't know about it, The system itself has been in many FPS for years, in one form or another. I'd say I'd expect a FPS game to have it in there somewhere. What most people don't seem to know is that guns that regenerate ammo, such as Icebreaker, can be used to refill that slot, you can get 2+ full clips for most specials with IB.
Yay, I knew that :3 I'm so sm4rt
Its meh for pvp, but it is useful for strikes. My online friends & i have been doing this fir a long time, but its not as effective as it sounds
It's a cool feature, but I find myself not using it most of the time. I'm glad they included it however.
Yeah I found it during the phogoth strike, I was hiding behind that rock and the cover system helped me out a lot lol. This was back when I first reached lvl 22-23 I think
Bungie did something useful? WHAT THE -blam!-!?
I figured this out in crucible when I was trying to snipe somebody through the cracks in cover, I aimed in, and popped above the wall. That was like week 3 of the game. Gg you. #nerd
I figured this out in crucible when I was trying to snipe somebody through the cracks in cover, I aimed in, and popped above the wall. That was like week 3 of the game. Gg you. #nerd
Roll Tide sir, Roll Tide
I thought everyone knew this?
Useful information on the forums? Thanks a lot man. I had no idea it was possible. I'm assuming it doesn't work standing at a corner though? I'm looking forward to trying it out.
I already knew this but none of my friends did.
Already knew about this... Long ago.