I found out online and verified in the game, that there's a critical ability every player has access to that the tutorial and controls don't tell you about.
I am talking about Destiny's [b]cover system[/b].
Yes, that's right, Destiny has a cover system that few know about, and is never mentioned in the tutorial. It's easy to perform and it's extremely useful for all classes.
The way the cover system works is that you go find waist-high or higher cover, something you can see over while standing. You get behind this cover, then you crouch, and when you want to fire at the enemy you just need to AIM DOWN SIGHTS and your character will pop up over the cover AUTOMATICALLY to fire. When you want to get back under cover, just RELEASE the aim button and your character will automatically duck down again.
WARNING: Your character will only pop up while aiming to shoot, you CANNOT ADS and then toss a grenade, or your character will drop back down and throw it at your cover. If you want to throw a grenade from cover, you must stand up and throw it, then crouch back down behind your cover.
Edit: make sure to like this topic and give it a bump for other Guardians to see.
Sounds like Medal of Honor Heroes....
I tried to do this day one and it did not work.... If this is a troll I'll bite going home to try again. Never made much sense why a modern game did not have this. Figured it might be to make it more of a arcade shooter and less a tactical shooter.
I first noticed this while fighting phogoth behind the rock a few weeks ago lol.
Why are people suddenly seeing this topic again after 2 weeks? Hope people get use out of the info, at any rate.
I actually knew about this.
Have you tried using it? It's unreliable and not intuitive...
Never knew this. Wow
Thank you commonsensei.
Everyone knows this already Every shooter made it in the past 3 years has this mechanic. I was even surprised to see it on Wolfenstein
This is a standard in nearly all current fps games. I actually never thought about it much but kudos for pointing it out for those that haven't noticed it
I knew about it, since day one.
I've noticed this as well, but always only in one place...at the boss Valus' Tuarec. It only seems to work for me there.
This was one of the first things I tried in this game. It never seemed to work for me. Tried it the other day and it still did nothing. Is there any particular type of wall I should be looking for, or is this a troll post that I've fallen for?
I actually though you were joking till about halfway through the post lol. Thanks for the tip. I never knew this.
Had no idea...! Thanks
I use this all the time on a crucible map. I forget the name of it but there is a little platform with a fence in front that you can see through and i just aim in to use the cover system and snipe em :D
Didnt know that. Thanks gaurdian.
Whaaaat?! I Actually had no idea! Thanks brudda!
Known about this since day one but thanks anyway. I think the stranger was supposed to tell you but she didn't have time to explain.
I found this out during beta:) it's very useful in PVE, it's decent in PVP unless your in a sniper battle really
I've known since month one...
No one knew? Hmm that's funny, I knew about it back when I played the Beta. I told the friends I played with about it too. We use the cover system in certain situations.
Well I for one found out back in the beta with my brother and dad playing.
I had no clue... Thanks a million!!!
Edited by TornadoOfTerror: 11/8/2014 5:10:08 PMI thought most players knew o.0 (Found out about this on moon whilst on patrol when I was playing tag with a captain) [spoiler]His name was Ricardo[/spoiler]