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Edited by BNGHelp0: 10/22/2014 12:48:28 AM


SHUT IT DOWN AND REOPEN WHEN ITS " FIT FOR PURPOSE " SHUT IT DOWN AND REOPEN WHEN ITS " FIT FOR PURPOSE " SHUT IT DOWN AND REOPEN WHEN ITS " FIT FOR PURPOSE " SHUT IT DOWN AND REOPEN WHEN ITS " FIT FOR PURPOSE " SHUT IT DOWN AND REOPEN WHEN ITS " FIT FOR PURPOSE " SHUT IT DOWN AND REOPEN WHEN ITS " FIT FOR PURPOSE " When you buy something, consumer law says the item must be fit for purpose. For example, a toaster must be able to make toast and a washing machine must be able to wash clothes. As well as being fit for their normal purpose goods must also be fit for any specific purpose that the seller told you they would be fit for. The law which gives you this right is called the Sale of Goods Act 1979. This right only applies when you buy something from a business, not from a private seller. What's the purpose of a Game? To be playable Take a look at the result of these issues: As the publisher Bungie have partnered with Activision Blizzard and since all the disconnects and error codes have been dominant across users, their share price has been on the decline "since around one month ago" . Conclusion: [u]" others have opinions I accept that"[/u] Bungie is a" privately owned business" owned by its "employees". Activision blizzard have backed Bungie in Publishing the game for the market. "Why wouldn't they with all the hype and Bungie's past accomplishments" Bearing in mind that Activision are affected by the open stock market and Bungie aren't. ALL BUNGIE employers that owned shares in BUNGIE when it was released are now [b]Going to the Ferrari dealership[/b]. Ps: (inspired by South parks BP oil crisis episode) "Activision Blizzard... We're sorry, Soooorrry, sorry" So SoRRy Soooooooooorrryyyyyyyyyyyyy Thanks for reading

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  • Edited by DOLLY_UK: 10/24/2014 2:15:37 PM
    All defenders of the game are dumb thick adults who have no sense on how a game should be delivered. Go back to your modded ps2s ain't no body got time for you here. The game sucks cyock worst hyped game ever in the history of gaming. Seriously it's that bad. It will never be fixed the game is boring and broken. Sell it while it's worth something.

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  • Well said the game should have been recalled weeks ago, it's not fit for sale bungie and Activision are worse than EA that's saying something! Never again will I buy there products I will always tell people to avoid both companies. Hope call of duty doesn't sell well, greedy two bit thieves.

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    • Watch this

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    • So the 8 days I've accumulated of playing this game has just been me sitting here playing crazy frog? Can posts like this get deleted? I like to see posts with suggestions on progressing the game, not raging teens hating the world!

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      • Wtf is this?

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      • I haven't had any trouble playing it. Maybe you need faster AOL.

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        • Then maybe we should shove you back up into your momma. Cause your obviously not fit to live.

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          • Bro you need to chill

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          • Dumb. First world problems

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            4 Replies
            • \_/ <-- cup to catch your tears. Maybe don't play until it's fit for your expectations.

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            • Turn Down For what?

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              • Yet software does not fall under this act, your console does. Software is covered by copyright and licensing law. You do not buy a game, you buy license to that game which often have Terms and Agreements you acknowledge stating the legal uses that license covers. You also agree to these terms often upon purchase, opening, or initial use of the product. If you find software to be unsatisfactory you are within your legal rights to make a claim with the developer of that product to resolve your issue to include monetary compensation not to exceed the price of the product (a.k.a. a refund). The developer however is under no legal obligation to provide a refund. Welcome to capitalist America, you must be new here.

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                7 Replies
                • What the hell are you talking about? Really? I love a good moan and a well articulated complaint but this is neither. Take the dead cat off your head, open a window and get some fresh air before you hurt yourself.

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                  • Edited by eBully: 10/22/2014 3:32:50 PM
                    You took your entire argument of share prices and the state of Destiny way out of context. You realize that Activision as a whole has their hands on more than 1 game right? With the price of the share fluctuation you can make a conjecture that the long release time for the next World of Warcraft expansion affected that share price more than Destiny did. What would then explain the rise in the share price if Destiny is the single entity affecting the Activision share price? User confidence? User enjoyment? Neither of which helps your argument. TL;DR: You failed to read the terms of the agreement for Destiny which specifically shields Bungie from legal action in your argument. Destiny is not the only thing that Activision has their hands in. Share prices are more than likely being affected by WoW than Destiny.

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                    6 Replies
                    • Judge: What is your case sir LegendarySaz? LegendarySaz: Your honor, I have played this game for over 200 hours and have deemed it unplayable. Judge: Bailiff! Remove this hypocritical idiot from my courtroom AT ONCE!!!

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                      4 Replies
                      • Game works fine for me. Get better internet. And seriously I was glad for the errors at first, it kept most of the laggers off the game. Since they 'fixed' that those of us how actually know how to troubleshoot our internet connection have had to deal with people who think "My college campus internet is good enough for gaming!" PS It's your internet connection that's not "fit for purpose"

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                        7 Replies
                        • We're sorry (sexy beach pose)

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                        • Translation: Im so butthurt I have to rage and cry on this forum to make myself feel beter, even though zero -blam!-s are given.

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                        • Boner

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                        • Hmm I didn't realize this game was playable. Well what have I been doing on it since it was released

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                        • These posts just keep getting worse...

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                        • Edited by Moldycrow86: 10/22/2014 5:23:10 PM
                          Ignoring your love affair with quotes, do you realize what "Fit for purpose" means? It means it does its intended job. A toaster that toasts, a washing machine that washes, and a video game on video? Anyways, It doesn't mean the toaster has to toast perfectly every time, without putting it down for a second time and burning it. It doesn't mean that washing machine has to work perfectly, your delicates could jam around the agitator. It also doesn't mean that video game has to be a bug-free mess with an engrossing story that keeps you on the edge of your seat with characters you care about and relate to. This game is playable and meets the definition of fit for purpose. It does meet the minimum definition of a game. Network and server issues, and Destiny's complete lack of anything resembling a cohesive story doesn't really mean you should jump into a class action lawsuit or something. People have to deal with poor purchases every day. There's no need to go crazy about it. You take it as a learning experience and move on.

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                          3 Replies
                          • You lost me when you started comparing a software license (which is what you really bought) to a toaster and a washing machine. It made me laugh (not with you, the other one) so I will give you props for that.

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                          • Edited by Numblina: 10/21/2014 7:51:19 PM
                   YOU'RE WRONG "LEARN TO READ" YOU'RE WRONG "LEARN TO READ" YOU'RE WRONG "LEARN TO READ" Seriously, before you claim legal action, read liability clauses.

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                            • Personal opinions

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                            • Sucks to be the players with all the Errors, But this game works perfectly fine for me (99.9% of the time). Maybe you should invest in better internet service?

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