originally posted in:DadsofDestiny X1 Delta
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So this is COMPLETELY speculation bit I thought I'd pass along for others to try out...
So far I gotten 3 exotic bounties from the bounty-bot in the tower.... And though I believe it's still somewhat random, all three were given while I was at either Lvl 10 or 15 with the cryptarch... I got two, one day apart, while at lvl10 and the third yesterday while at lvl15...
I had seen other forums speculate that exotic bounties were related to the cryptarch somehow and it APPEARS that having his level at a multiple of 5 will at least drastically increase the odds of getting the bounties...
So get cryptarch to the appropriate level (10, 15, 20, etc.) and just start cranking out bounties to see if you get any results....
Anyone else able to try this out and provide their experiences?
Just received my fourth exotic bounty this AM... Cryptarch is at lvl 20... Just another data point... The trend continues..