I dont mind helping people, I liked doing drive-by buffs etc in MMOs i played.
However: I am not going to scan the forums for people needing help, adding them as friends on PSN, wait for them to go online and discover that they want me to hold their hands through the entire story mode.
Nor am I going to accept friend request from random strangers who happen to notice that I have nice gear.
If Destiny had provide some way of interacting with people ingame to say "LFG to nightfall", "need help with devils lair", "stuck in story mode" etc.,then I would have been all over it. But as it is now, it is too cumbersome.
And no offence, but I dont want half the Destiny population in my PSN friend list, it is hard enough to manage as it is.
that is one of major things i despise about destiny, i love meeting new people, but hate the fact we're forced to add people to our private psn/xbl to meet them, this game needs some sort of friend/lfg system badly!