I play as a warlock and I'm generally lower lvl than most of my team mates (because I hate farming for materials and I have shit luck for gear) , yet in pve, I consistently have a better k/d, and a higher kill score - often double the body count of my party. In pvp, which I'm much worse at, I am generally in the middle range of my fire team...
Skill dictates playability. If your friends have problems, it's because they aren't very good.
One person needs to put in 90% more effort to get the same result as someone who puts in no effort is balance? Does it seem fair that while Defenders melee requires them to kill someone to get an overshield, a Warlock needs only to hit a target to get overshield. A Titan can shoulder charge at the ideal range of a throwing knife and insta kill while a throwing knife precision hit along with an incendiary blade burn effect doing 200 damage does not. Blade Dancers super automatically beats any defenders bubble. Skill this and skill that. Why not make it so one team plays with weapons that do only 1 damage per shot and the other team has a 1 hit insta kill weapon with the high rate of fire. Eventually the team with the weaker 1 damage per shot weapon will eventually manage to kill the other team if they have enough skill to never get shot while landing 225 shots on the other team.
Yes. This is how Rock Paper Scissors works. This is how balance works. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. If you can't make those strengths overcome the weakness, you should move on. Golden gun is one hit from range, sun singer has no insta kill, but can revive and buff. everything comes with a price for its perk. Also, your response is poorly written.
Edited by Deathray: 10/21/2014 9:46:14 PMIt should not be a game of rock paper scissors. If hunters can only kill warlocks then, if you are a hunter, you should quit every game that has mostly titans in it. One class should not completely dominate another. Warlocks atm have the strongest cqc potential when titans were created for that purpose. Titans are more mobile than hunters with their ability to dash and leap around.
Ur a homo
I guess that should mean something if I were homophobic or a bigot? Good job being a piece of shit.
Equality ftw