Hi Devs,
I get it. "Stuff" happens. It's not ALL within your control. You're working on it. I can see the red banner at the top of this forum. You are actively investigating the issues impacting players. My suggestion is that similar to other games / MMOs / consumer products, that when something escalated like this happens, players are compensated somehow. For example... you go to a restaurant, food comes out cold, they forget your appetizer, steak isn't cooked right, or whatever... they take it off your check, or they comp you a free dessert. They do something that acknowledges the inconvenience that demonstrates they are sorry, and value you business. They make it right. I couldn't play last night, I can't play today. I paid for a license to use a product that I can't use currently. If my cable is down, and it's their fault, they pro-rate me the days lost on my bill... this isn't a foreign concept, I'm sure you're totally aware of the sentiment I'm referencing. Other MMOs that are subscription based will comp X amount of days for subscribers and extend it, or they'll send you some consumable items, something...
SO... maybe as a gesture of goodwill, to repair some of the harm done by this recent monkey business (see what I did there?! ;) you guys can comp us a shader, or shards, or XP? Or something that shows that you're willing to provide us something that costs you NOTHING, but is PRICELESS as far as keeping your clients happy? Anything that indicates something other than "Yeah yeah, we know everything is messed up and you can't play, WE KNOW... LOOK AT THE BANNER WE PUT UP... get over it and stop whining. We don't care if we can't hold up our end of the bargain, we got your money, and we don't care anymore."
Battlefield gave their players something EVERYDAY during their player appreciation month, aka our game is borked, please keep playing... DCUO has given out subscription extensions, replay badges, etc. Everyone does it. Help us out. Have this downtime sting less and hook us up with something please.
Thanks! [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/74271670/0/0]Poll[/url] FYI Some cranky people are voting against compensation, so make sure your voice is heard.
Please edit your post and change #Community to [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics/0/Default/None/Feedback]#Feedback[/url]. You have posted in the wrong forum/tag. You will get a better response in #Feedback. #Community is not for Feedback. Good luck and Thank you
No shards please.... I have 75 of each
We pay $60 or $80 for video games, $20 for DLC content, and some of us up to $5 for coffee. Guardians, we patrol the galaxies and bring peace to the traveler, but our efforts in game can also become heroic acts outside the game. Here is an example of Guardians being real life heroes: http://www.gofundme.com/musicfortheelderly
How about shaders named after the error codes. Get hit 5-10 times with that code get the shader that goes with the code. Now people will be happy to see the zoo pop up every now and then.
Damn there would be no funds left , we hv all had some problems with destiny on this journey, just going through some info online and upon buying and or opening game packet u accept the fine print . So guess dead end unless u can convince them lol
Yes please!
Since the Postmaster dynamic is already in game and functioning, I was thinking it would be reasonable for us to be sent a package in the mail that would consist of the results of two days worth of play, like shards from Public Event, XP from bounties, a strange coin/mote of light or two, and maybe even a tongue-in-cheek shader named Zebra (B&W) or Baboon (Brown? With red?) Nothing that would be unfair, or unwarranted, just something that shows that they appreciate their customers and want to do right by them. They've been great so far with being responsive to nerfs/un-nerfs/buffs/exploits/ & dropping the banhammer on those that earn it, so I think this is possible, and something everyone could benefit from. Also... THANK YOU for the positive response. I know whining and ranting is childish and unbecoming, so I tried to present the case in a mature & reasonable manner. Thanks for the support. This community is NOT comprised entirely of cranky kids... Well done gang.
BRILLIANT idea to release a patch the same day PSN updates.
Well said, since the update from bungie and ps4 I've had nothing but problems and it's driving me crazy!! I'm so F**ked off with it, if this doesn't get sorted soon, and I mean real soon, I won't be buying the dlc's. #SortItOut
Well said. We as a community should be taken care of by Bungi.
I don't see what is wrong with asking for a goodwill gesture. The people on here accusing us of being "greedy" are entitled to their opinion but fundamentally deluded. There's no whining or bitching here as far as I can see, just the perfectly reasonable request for something fair.
Sonys fault not bungies
I agree!
Free Halloween helmet items for all!
Edited by bee eL Zee: 10/31/2014 8:10:49 PMIm all in on this one, myself Ive been cut off on the final boss in 4 tigerstrikes(today and yesterday(not to mention all the monkies before that...)), by baboons.. And Ive lost a lot of stuff and kinda the will to keep playing, so some goodwill from their part would be appreciated. Fairness is what keeps me going towards any product. And thats kinda the only choice we have as consumers, product A, or product B. And dont make me go for product B. Thats it Bungie, take it or leave it. Im kinda heavy on the leaving part myself at the moment.
This seems fair considering f****ing "Random disconnects". Who the flying f***** thought that that was a good idea? Was he high? Why is that Dev not in jail?
New patch seems to have fixed... Hah! Sorry... I can't even continue with that. Seriously though Devs. Please consider compensating us for this CONSTANT hassle.
I think that this is a fair deal. We know both XB1 and PSN Members are experiencing these issues. It is only fair/right to compensate in some form. For those of us who work extra hours just so they can play these games.... They should be able to play them without extra hindrance. DCUO is less buggy than this game. Those defending the storyline, I'm sorry. It is as thin as water. The entire story's dialogue only takes up what..... A half a page? If this game was trying to live up to its "intimate MMO" hype, there would have been a lot more dialogue. Special cutscenes (aka loading screens) do not qualify as cinematic scenes pertaining to story. Destiny, truthfully, has quite a bit to make up for. What's the drop rate percentile anyways? .00005% chance? Please pass the butter and stop slinging monkey poo our way.
Holy entitlement Batman!!!
bump bump bump bump bump bump and techno bump
I would like bungie to buy me a new controler as mine hit the wall when i got kicked just as we beat boss on VOG hard and i missed out on rewards :( [spoiler]i cried a little[/spoiler]
Ahhh but you are asking for compensation from the wrong parties my young Jedi.... most of the time it has to do with the networks involved. For instance PSN or XBL. You can often check by visiting their service update page, they will also have a banner on top when they are offline or experiencing issues. On Mondays, XBL is often making changes in there servers or apps to different things in order for the new update patches on Tuesdays which is the same day we get our our disconnect / hotfix patch days on Destiny. Otherwise I never have issues unless internet is down in my area which happens maybe once a month but then again I pay for really good internet speed so I don't get disconnected from game.
Edited by Krimm: 10/22/2014 9:27:57 PMSo you start a Poll, which is a function of public opinion, then when you see results not in your favor, you cast them aside as "cranky," as if their voice doesn't matter? Asking Bungie for "goodwill compensation" for unplanned outages is silly - the fact that bringing things back online, and fixing [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Hot-Fix---10072014/en/News/News?aid=12255]player-specific errors[/url] is a ton of 'goodwill' to begin with. We have no way of knowing what the cause of the outages are - they could be server failures, or could very well be [url=http://www.cnet.com/news/ddos-brings-down-destiny-cod-ghosts-servers/]malicious attacks[/url] Also consider, other MMOs like WoW DIRECTLY charge their players a monthly fee to play their game, so in that context it makes much more sense to give people a trinket or rare thing when servers go down - you are LITERALLY paying to keep those servers running every month. True, some of us pay for PS+ or XBLG to play online, but that's not the same thing. In those cases, we're paying Sony and Microsoft, not Bungie, for access and upkeep of their networks.
Or suck it up and live your life knowing no one owes you anything. Especially if you read the TOU you signed.