good for you... you found a game you like... now there is no longer a reason to post here... have fun on your game while i sit here and have fun playing destiny
you are so wrong destiny is not fun fact nothing about it
sorry you feel that way that your opinoin... where mine is its fun.... nether is right or wrong, i find it fun and i find it intriguing to see what is to come.. some people dont see that thoe and its fine, its just sad people feel the need to not find anything fun about a game yet spend time playing it and complain on the forums
add me on xbox one all my uploads are why this game sucks dick
Dont do xbox.... and like i said your opnion is your opinoin but it won bother me and i still think this game has alot to offer and alot of potential going forward... if you miss that then its fine i am not trying to get you yo think the games good cause i can care less what others think
I will [spoiler]have fun in both games[/spoiler][spoiler]why does everyone assume I don't like destiny? I have a lvl 29 Titan FFS[/spoiler]
your bitchy ways is what turns people into thinking you dont like destiny.....
I don't see me bitching at all. In fact I gave an extreme lack of information and put a gif signaling an obvious troll along with a troll comment in the OP.
[quote]I would have said 10 but I doubt destiny has even 5.[/quote] thats bitching....
That's trolling An example of bitching is "Nerf this cause that's so POWERFALL"