Okay, so someone posted this as a comment in the "10 joke items" thread, but I thought it deserved it's own thread and poll to see if this could gain enough popularity. If this thread dies off, then "message received." If people like the idea, maybe Bungie will see it and consider it for implementation.
The tower is boring, and so much less than social. I understand some sort of chat/lfg may be coming down the pipe, but that has been addressed in other threads. Climbing trees, while perhaps satisfying at the time, is far from entertaining.
Nerf gun wars in the tower!
Naturally, I see the copyright issues (as evidenced by the (TM) appended in the title), and I understand it's not realistic for Bungie to approach another company to obtain rights for an in-game novelty. The clear way ahead on this is to not make them look exactly like Nerf guns/use their colors. But to keep the end state in line with the concept, they should look like plastic toy guns with bright colors.
1. Add a Nerf gun vendor (or add the function to another vendor, not sure which) that sells a specific array of these harmless weapons. Nerf Chain Gun - 18,000g, Nerf Hand Cannon - 8,000g, Nerf Assault Rifle - 10,000g. Throwing in rocket launchers and sniper rifles is probably getting way too in depth in my opinion. **Instead of glimmer, an in-game purchase could be implemented too. Personally, I don't care as long as I see at least some people running around popping each other at the tower.
2. Opt-in, Opt-out - Players can shoot at anyone with the Nerf guns, but only those with Nerf guns equipped will be stuck with the suction cups. If someone doesn't want to be involved, they won't be walking around looking like a foam porcupine.
3. Use of Nerf guns doesn't have to be every day as to appease more serious players. It could be restricted to one week per month, one day per week, etc. You could also implement mini-game competitions and novelty prizes that don't affect PvP/PvE.
Well, I think that's all I have, vote and let me know what you think. Comments encouraged.
Necrobump... out of morbid curiosity.
Instead of nerf guns paintball guns would be funner and wouldnt cross any copyright issues imagine all color paint all over the tower 😂
Maybe add a nerf wars crucible playlist?
Edited by AngelZzDevil: 11/8/2014 4:46:35 PMThere are other things that would need improvement aside from the tower though.
My nephew has a heavy machine Nerf gun. This should happen, and that should be acquirable through a Bounty! Haha.
Edited by CrocsWithSocks: 11/7/2014 7:24:02 PMStolen from Dûr, hope he doesn't mind...
Edited by CrocsWithSocks: 10/29/2014 4:04:05 PM
Started a new topic: Increase chances of getting useful raid loot by adding a rolling system?(7 Replies))
Afternoon bump, 82% positive.
Friday bump!
Morning Bump
So, everyone gets a mythoclast when they enter the tower?! Sweet!
They could at least let us double jump and use jet packs man!
So far it's been a solid 81-82% vote in favor since I started the poll. Most people want this, but we aren't going to get noticed without more numbers. If it really interests you, tell your friends to vote so we can get this going.
Monday bump...
Morning bump
Evening bump
Edited by COLDasICE MEDIC: 10/23/2014 8:01:26 PMyou could always leave the r,r&r of the tower and play the game.
Totally added to my list of activities to troll with u already get my rocks off kicking the purple ball and the soccer ball off the side
Dude this is brilliant!! I hope BUNGIE reads it and takes it seriously CUS this would be hella cool
So far 83% in favor...
I could not help but want a mode where your party teams names disappeared after your screen went black for 30 second... Hide & Seek. And TAG!
This idea is incredibly brilliant. I would absolutely love to see this implemented. Soon, Guardians would be yelling 'THE TOWER IS NO PLACE FOR MERCY!'
Ill finally get to shoot the cryptarch in the face!!!