I find Borderlands boring as compared to Destiny. However if Destiny didn't have Crucible or Raids then I wouldn't be playing it, and it would be just as boring as Borderlands. But here are my reasons why Destiny>Borderlands:
-No duping.
-Raids, most fun I've had in a while.
-Crucible, though there are some things I would change.
-Next gen, it's not so much of a big thing for me but the BL Presequel isn't even next gen. Are you serious?
-There are some OP things that takes everything out of Borderlands such as the Bee Shield, and that one shield that makes you pretty much invincible (95% of the bullets that hit you don't do damage!!!)
-Would post more but you only asked for 5.
Your first and last reasons are for cry babies. The rest are good points 3/5 no cookie for u