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Discuss all things Destiny.
10/21/2014 8:54:33 PM

QQ Much? Why all the hate? I actually like Destiny!

I cant believe how much hate and vitriol there is shootin around in the forum posts around the game so far and some of the hotfixes. Just some things to keep in mind before you drink your hater-ade next time: 1. This game has been out for a few months so chill....there was obviously going to be changes made, and just dropping the game because there have been a few changes you don't like or the game is different from what you envisioned seems really short sighted especially given that we are only 30+ days in on a game that they are planning on developing over 10 years. 2. Why get mad when they try to make the raid harder by randomizing teleports? It makes the encounter more difficult and success killing Atheon will be that much sweeter. Embrace the change. Adapt. And then dominate Atheon with a team you can cooperate with. I think that maybe some people are feeling that no matter what, everyone should be able to beat every boss no matter what.....I love the fact that there is a high skill level required to really excel at Destiny both PvP and PvE, and think its great to have an aspect of the game that it may only be possible for very skilled gamers and fireteams to complete. Bungie does not owe you anything just because you bought the game....least of all, an easy time with the main boss. I'm going to laugh when in 5 years time (after a few xpacs) the same people QQing on these forums about changes are going to be reminiscing about "Vanilla" Destiny and how awesome it was and how "you know nothing Jon Snow" will be the first comment shot at someone who didn't start playing and stick with it from release date on..... just like people did in WoW. I know there are lots of people not happy with the changes or even the game as a whole in comparison to what their expectations were and I'm not trying to start a keyboard war, just voicing the other side of the coin. I do have some questions for those with the alternate view point: 1. Why are the AR, shotty, Pocket Infinity and Mythoclast nerfs so terrible? Do you honestly like having to narrow down your choices from 6 (b/w primary and secondary) to 2, or have any singular weapon so much more powerful than anything else? The nerf bat is the oldest weapon in MMO's so why are we not used to it yet? 2. What would it take for you to be happy/content with the game? In other words, how is it that the game has failed to meet your expectations and why is it that you think nothing will change given that the plan is have this game around for a decade? Looking forward to some good is pretty boring atm.

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