Credit: Clan Video Game Loft at
You were pissed when Bungie removed the loot cave, furious when they nerfed your favorite gun, and just about had it when they buffed the Atheon encounter in VoG, but fortunately for us all: we make the rules and we manipulate the mechanics.
Tomorrow one of the least insightful patches will hit your favorite game, fear gripping you because you know that it took days for your clan to gain enough RNG and player skill to defeat Atheon on normal mode. Today that goes out the window... or does it (wry grin from ear to ear).
[b]Tactic:[/b] much like the infamous tactics implored by others to beat atheon in a 2 man raid, we will command our own destiny. We will be forced to use 3 warlocks , sunsinging for the battle rez, so that we will decide who we want to go inside the portals. This is very simple, you start the battle with full Ulti on everyone (more importantly the warlocks) and a few seconds before the teleport... All 3 warlocks trip and fall to their doom, what a coincidental shame, as they just so happen to self resurrect right after the boss teleported their friends inside the portal. Those clumsy old fools just die every time before the teleport, "what noobs" some people say....
Heh heh heh, with a wry grin still on his face he continues to loot a Vex Mythoclast off of Atheons dead corpse.
"Suck it Bungie" he mutters under his breath as he queues for the crucible.
"You're next."
Actually, if you've watched any videos or have extensive experience in the Vault like I do you would see that it DOES work. The way of the future is here, let all of those guardians who hate on our creativity be damned with no loot drops for years to come!