originally posted in:DoD The Unknown Ps3
ok so i had 5 engrams to decode and when i fianly got aroun to going to the tower they were gone? anybody else seen this before?
and also whats the point of leveling up for the cryptarch? he never has anything besides commen and uncommen items. ive played almost every day and not once has there been anything else...slightly pointless?
I got my first exotic by lvling him up, A Plan C fusion rife. After that I was excited to lvl him.
I've gotten the majority of legendary engrams from him leveling up and sending me the package other than that there's not much of a reason to level him
Every time you level up you get a package at the post office from him I've gotten a couple of shadders and a lot of coins
It's unavoidable as you play the game. Why fight it? In any case, I've gotten a legendary sniper and shotty from leveling him, so cool by me.