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originally posted in: What is wrong with being homosexual?
10/21/2014 11:21:54 PM
That would only be illogical if that wasnt the only Chinese person you knew. Literally all the openly gay people at my school act this way.

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  • No, even if it is the only Chinese guy I know it is illogical because I can work out that [i]race[/i] is in no way related to [i]criminality[/i] in the same way that it is pretty clear that sexuality in no way makes you an 'SJW' or not.

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  • How can you prove otherwise if you've never met/heard of/ seen a Chinese guy who hasn't committed a crime against you?

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  • Reasoning. I know that race does not increase or decrease criminality. Therefore the fact he is Chinese is irrelevant to his criminality. Therefore it can be assumed not all Chinese are thieves. It's really simple stuff.

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