If you live in Colorado. Post your name console and stats here.
I'm CL4PY lvl 27 hunter, xbox 1
Edited by Sandboxer1220: 1/17/2016 11:38:17 PMSandboxer 1220 - Warlock XBOX One
I'm Thooper Mayrio, lvl 24 Hunter XBOX 1
bo_nanana lvl40 titan light 288, PS4.
Edited by Shakey1215: 5/29/2015 10:31:26 PMShakey1215 xbox1 .......I'm looking for a Colorado clan! 31 hunter 27 titan 24 warlock
Hello I live in Colorado was hoping to find a clan in our time zone due to work 6-5:30 I'm a lvl 29 warlock play almost every night after work beat the raid 5 or so times on normal gt xBEASTx31 if you have a clan I would be interested in joining
Gt: Quaker103, XB1, Lvl 27 Warlock, Lvl Hunter, Feel free to add me, up in Vail Valley
Holy crap. I just now found this thread?!?! Please add me folks. I work until about 6 every day, and get on around 8:30/9, but I'll go for hours after that. 29 Warlock (about to hit 30...just need exp for new gear to hit...have the mats), and would love some reliable players to do nightfall/weekly heroics/raid/pvp with! Add me, add me, add me. I don't talk much, but I follow orders like a champ. Haha.
Father Son Team Highlands Ranch, Colorado Lvl 29 titan Lvl 30 titan Xbox one VOG Raids Strikes Crota - never done need walkthrough. AdmiralWaffle52
Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Titan Lvl 30/31 Gt = BlockyCracker87 Xbox one and Xbox 360.
Lvl 32 warlock all the good guns mostly maxed would love to join a Colorado clan I live in western Colorado and play just about every day
Holly shit they do exist.... Add me now!!! Xbox one= FoRm iS RippiN I'm also looking to make a crucible team
Colorado guardian here 30 hunter 29 warlocks 27 titan