Who the hell thought creating the Vex was a good idea. I was bored so I decided to write a script about what it must have been like to create the Vex. Yes, I know this script is really crappy. When you are bored, everything seems like a good idea. I don't really care if you think it sucks. This is not intended to offend Bungie I'm just making fun of the whole concept of the vex. I know it doesn't seem like it but I love Destiny. Keep in mind this is pretty much a base of an actually funny script. You probably have no idea what the hell I'm talking about. What I am trying to say is I want someone who actually is good at writing to take the general idea of this and make a script for a sketch out of it.
2 days before the release of Destiny:
Worker 1: So we already made Covenant(Fallen) and Flood(Hive) ripoffs, what's next?
Worker 2: What about murderous robots?
Worker 1: I'm listening.
Worker 2: We should give them heads with no purpose. You can just shoot it off and it will have no effect on its AI at all.
Worker 3: And since the game is planned to come out soon let's just copy names from different mythologies and say that we tried to make the game a Sci-Fi Fantasy universe. That will be a perfect excuse for rushing the game.
Worker 1: Sweet Baby Jesus! This could be what makes the game sell. But what is its weakness?
Worker 2: We should spend tons of our work hours making a very noticeable, eye-burningly bright, huge white area on their stomachs.
Worker 4: Does anything else think this is a stupid idea?
Worker 2: Shut up (Worker 4)!
Worker 3: He's actually making a pretty good point. It wouldn't really make any sense to the plot at all. It's like some mastermind spent millions of glimmer on making his inventions easy opponents for the guardians. Nobody gives their robots weak spots that are THAT obvious.
Worker 1: (Worker 3) and (Worker 4) you are both fired! I'm sick of your good ideas! I thought we fired everyone with good ideas after we made Halo 3.
Worker 2: Good let's continue with our terrible plan.
Worker 1: What will control them?
Worker 2: Let's make it a huge-ass heart. And the only way to destroy it if by defeating its 3 "guardians."
Worker 1: That sounds too epic. We are on such a successful streak of seven years without a good game by us.
Worker 2: Right, we didn't make Halo Reach bad for nothing. How about you have to fight the final bosses one at a time.
Worker 1: Perfect.
So what did you think about it. Please don't be an asshole in the comments.
I don't understand the Hive/Flood comparisons at all.