I run a Warlock and a Hunter and agree if you are referring to PVE. With his grenade enhancements (larger explosions and abilities make enemies explode) he doesn't even need his super.
However in PVP I do much better with my Hunter, even when he was at low level without many of his abilities. I'm not sure what it was exactly (less squishy maybe) as my Warlock seemed to control better and had better gear and stats (toughness/recovery/agility).
Now that my Hunter is geared up, I wouldn't dream of taking the Warlock into the Crucible. These days I only lose [u]most[/u] of the time!
Ya the hunter was my first but I feel some of the abilities the warlock has are better for crucible like on sunsinger how he gets a shield after hitting someone with a melee and they're grenades are ridiculous which is pretty op in my opinion but he does seem more squishy I don't have my warlock to 20 yet it's 17 but I have gear waiting
I'm still leveling the Sunsinger... when I don't play as a hunter. I just seem to enjoy the hunter more now.
Hunters still my personal favorite but I think the warlock is stronger in some cases
I agree, the right perks make his grenades outrageously powerful against mobs.