Let me set the scene for you;
You're just wondering around, capturing some points in control, when you decide that popping your Ward of Dawn is a good idea.
Now you have a viable way to defend the objective for a short period of time until it goes away.
..and by 'goes away' I mean that some cocky Hunter or a snotty Warlock has come along, used their respective Super Charge and now, 3 seconds after you popped it up to relax under with a spot of Titan Tea, you are sat naked, alone, and wondering where your dead teammates are.
Can any of my brothers relate?
Can anyone offer a suitable explination as to why [i]our[/i] super is the weakest? When it is currently the only subclass that really promotes strategy.
Rise with me, fellow Titans!
Take back the Dawn!
Fight for a buff!
[spoiler]..or don't, I'm not your mother.[/spoiler]
Edit: This thread was made with a fun little theme to it to try and avoid all the usually negativity on these forums, so thanks for everyone for keeping it civil.
Edit 2: I have the saint-14 helm, and usually do very well within my precious bubble. It just makes me a sad little Titan when the super gets taken down by another super.
Edit 3: Im not saying that it shouldn't be taken down when a super is used against it. What I am saying is that it shouldn't kill everything inside. The warlock and hunter supers currently just fly through it as if it wasn't there.
Titan striker is the opposite of defender
thats why you dont use it on a flag but in a nice corner with weapons of light
Yeah sure
Edited by Fanboykill16: 12/11/2014 1:29:21 AMI have striker subclass so I guess this doesn't apply to me
Lol my friend bubbles then camp his bubble and loads up on kills
It's a defensive super. It should be able to neutralize other supers in the bubble, canceling one another out.
Edited by thatdudebruhh: 12/10/2014 4:01:40 AMMe: time to take B back *pops up bubble* Enemies come into my shield and die Me: Haha idiots Guy with cool voice: B neutralized Me: Oh yea!! Halfway to capturing B Titan/Warlock starts running towards me then destroys me and my bubble with their super.. Me: Son of a..
What really needs the buff is the suppressor grenade. It neutralizes abilities for 10 seconds. Melee, grenade, and even supers. If there is a Golden Gun or Arc Blade it cancels it out. This is a good compliment to the Titan shield to defend against the supers. What it needs is a shorter fuse time and a larger radius. Arc Blade just runs right by the grenade and it doesn't detonate fast enough before they kill you.
One titan bubble gives 6 people like what? 30% weapon damage? Or twice as much armor? Its pretty freakin good. And you arent supposed to camp inside it with 3 people.. its used to move in and out.. ive moved halfway across the map to get kills then come back and reapply the buff since it lasts so long. Think outside the box when using it and you should be fine.
Worst super? possibly (I don't think so) Most fun super? ABSOLUTELY I had a match yesterday where me and an enemy titan both popped our bubbles on the same location, we both had helm of saint 14, we were both using armor of light. Did I mention there were three other people there as well? the 5 of us did a blind bar room brawl for a solid minute. Just randomly punching and shotting like crazy people. Most fun I've ever had in a video game period.
Edited by Whoppenheimer: 12/10/2014 3:40:36 AMI like it when enemy is capturing a flag than I jump high as I can and missile charge them. Best part when the hold team is there and they see me using my super and they're in that oh shit moment. Gets them every time.
I thought fukin warlocks/mages were meant to be the support class, but the titans/knights seem to be doing all the supporting.
What do you think of a weapon that can shoot out of my purple titan bubble?
I am a titan that destroys your ward and you along with it. Titan Striker master race!
Titans are so strong they had to weaken our bubble
I fckking hate that shit
Not really. Ward of dawn is not that good in pvp, but good enough! Recently, I played crucible (thorn bounty) and summoned a bubble. 4 of my teamates went inside, and the enemy team got too scared (We had lvl 28's and a 30 I think ). After that, one of the rival guardians decided to enter the bubble, with his comrades following him. [spoiler]it became a massacre then.[/spoiler]
And it only takes one golden gun shot.... It should take all 3.
Only bads use bubble for pvp. Get gud mens.
I wish we could shoot through the shield. That would satisfy me.
Edited by Bros Love Toes: 11/9/2014 12:46:45 AMi can relate to this, i use my bubble, cap the objective, arc blade swoops in BAM we're dead good one bungie jk
Camping inside the ward is obviously a bad idea. Jump in only when you need cover. And if you pop a ward on a capture point, obviously everyone on the other team will be pissed about it... I made a Protector just to get revenge for all those times enemy Protectors taunted me in their silly little bubbles...
I have an idea...how about we sacrifice one of those hunter things in the name of Bungie...I'm sure after we burn it in some ceremonial way, they will listen. Praise the Titan lords! \(^w^)/
If you have saint Drop your super in a passage way instead of a control point. This way is they decide to flank you they will have to pop a super and get no kills.
I use it (ward of dawn) depending on how the other team is playing, if the other team has titans with WOD I use fist of havoc when they start dancing inside it