Let me set the scene for you;
You're just wondering around, capturing some points in control, when you decide that popping your Ward of Dawn is a good idea.
Now you have a viable way to defend the objective for a short period of time until it goes away.
..and by 'goes away' I mean that some cocky Hunter or a snotty Warlock has come along, used their respective Super Charge and now, 3 seconds after you popped it up to relax under with a spot of Titan Tea, you are sat naked, alone, and wondering where your dead teammates are.
Can any of my brothers relate?
Can anyone offer a suitable explination as to why [i]our[/i] super is the weakest? When it is currently the only subclass that really promotes strategy.
Rise with me, fellow Titans!
Take back the Dawn!
Fight for a buff!
[spoiler]..or don't, I'm not your mother.[/spoiler]
Edit: This thread was made with a fun little theme to it to try and avoid all the usually negativity on these forums, so thanks for everyone for keeping it civil.
Edit 2: I have the saint-14 helm, and usually do very well within my precious bubble. It just makes me a sad little Titan when the super gets taken down by another super.
Edit 3: Im not saying that it shouldn't be taken down when a super is used against it. What I am saying is that it shouldn't kill everything inside. The warlock and hunter supers currently just fly through it as if it wasn't there.
Sad panda. Buff the bubble. Now you get two.. NO 16 BUBBLES! And they keep growing and growing and grooowwwiiinnngg until you're in the thunderrrdoommeeee.. of bubbles. Bubble.
I wish the bubble sped up recharges of Grenades or Punches. Otherwise, I think we are a decently good class. That is why I stand tall with my other Titan brothers.
Warlocks Voidwalker super are particularly dangerous, along with the Hunters Golden Gun as a couple of shots take down the shield, but lately hunters haven't been wasting it. Bladewalkers are particularly fun, get a shot off and a couple of melees and you can take them down. I usually run with my exotic helm so it blinds bladewalkers as well. I'm personally fine with my super being countered by a super, because all it means is that thats a couple less people dieing from another team members super, especially the area of effect from VoidWalkers, and Hunters almost wiping teams out with their Golden Gun and BladeWalker.
Hhaha Titans are jokes Get scared pop A bubble or hulk smash lol But in seriousness your class is well rounded stop complaining
I do remember seeing a Defender Titan put up his WoD to deflect an incoming Nova Bomb. Both supers were cancelled out, and the Titan survived. It was a glorious day for Titankind.
What are they gonna do? Buff the titan shield so it's twice as big and reflects bullets back to whoever shot them?
Ward of Dawn is pretty useless in PvP. The fact that AoEs creep through it and that Arc Blade can still lock onto you even if the hunter is blind make it very limited in terms of competitive use. The ability needs so much more than a buff to be fair. Either we need to be able to shoot out from inside it, or nothing besides a physical body can move through it. FoH should burn out when it hits the outer surface, crap like Nova Bomb need to be worthless against it.
Edited by Rapitor3131: 10/25/2014 6:16:51 PMYou put up a bubble and i WILL smash through it using fist of havoc and kill you and all you're little coward buddies inside. There is no escaping a striker, bro.
Well use titan slam
I like the super as is. I think that they should swap the melee with the warlock. why r they getting a shield on contact while we actually have to kill someone for ours.
ward of dawn is extremely good you just cant sit in it and think youre invincible though you fool.
I think that the third subclass should you place a small wall down in front of u and you get a golden minnigun.
Super to counter a super? Science bro
For ward of dawn, saint 14 is a must In pvp. Surprisingly, I find weapons of light to be most beneficial. Pop out a shotty and when one of those pesky hunters comes charging step out and 1 shot from 10 foot thanks to the weapons boost. Or level striker and swap to that for pvp.
Eh, I don't think it needs a buff. I just wanna be able to get some gear item (exotic like Helm of Saint-14 or Helm of Innermost Light) that lets me shoot through it.
They should make it shorter but give the ability to shoot from inside it.
Sorry, I use Striker, not Defender, can't relate to you.
I do agree with you on this in a sort of relatable aspect. I think supers should break it but that is it. So the void bomb should break it with that super use alone, gold gun should take all 3 shots, ect. But never kill anything inside when broken. Other then that I would like to see some way of knowing how close to broken/when the timer will end for it. Maybe it should slowly crack while it is damaged or something.
-Level 26 Titan, about to be level 27. -Love the Support Role, Defender Class. -Love using my special to create Orbs for Teammates, "MORE ORBS, MORE PROBLEMS LOL. -Love Close Range and Long Range depending on Situation. -I'm usually on after 7pm PST because of work, hard to find people to play raids and strikes with at night, I'm on everyday trying to get stronger so hit me up. BLACK_PATHOGEN2
If any other class uses there super while i have my ward of dawn on i wouldn't have any problem if it cancels out the other supers.
I noticed that your Titan related thread doesn't have any mention of the mean right hook. Are you insane? Do you want to anger the fist legion?
It would be nice if you could shoot out but they couldn't shoot in. Defender was fun in pvp at first when people didn't understand it......but that is done. I only use striker in pvp now.
This is why I strictly use striker in pvp, panic button for the win.
Why not? Fish of Havoc can stop my bladedancer in it's tracks even when I'm surely about to kill the Titan that panicked.