Please post your pick and reasons.
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Looks like Last Word has a huge lead, followed by Hawkmoon
Thorn will rule after buff
Where's thorn?
Last word because only one I've played with also I feel like robocop everytime I pull it out and spin it around.
Sexiest and best are two very different things
I think whoever votes for anything other then the fatebringer dosnt have it lol.. I have fatebringer and the last word maxed and the fate puts the exotic to shame
It all depends PvP or PvE ?
I have Thorn, Lord High Fixer, and Hawkmoon, I prefer Thorn over the other two.
Last word is an overrated piece of shit. Fatebringer is easily the best hand cannon in the game. Firefly, explosive rounds, reload speed on headshot, 12 round mag, arc damage.
Can't go wrong with elemental damage on a primary. I love my fate bringer. ;)
Was just in a strike where the afk guy got the last word. Almost took the disc out and broke it in half.
Devil You Know. It's not the absolute best in any one category, true. However,it sits at 2nd or at worst 3rd in all of them. Two highly important, related points put it over the rest: A) the only things you need to get it are Vanguard rep & marks, which you actually have to make an effort NOT to earn; thus, there's no reliance on the "benevolence" of RNGesus to finish kitting out your character. B) the default vendor-purchased version has really fantastic perks; again, you don't need to fish & hope you find a "good" one because a GREAT one is always on sale.
Thorn is amazing in Crucible. While the 4-second reload is quite horrendous, my Hunter is still more than able to mop up enemies in both PvP and PvE without a problem. I don't recommend using Thorn in boss phases, but otherwise, this weapon is a monster. Put it on a Gunslinger with Chain of Woe, and you'll shred most enemies and watch the poison kill the rest of them, all with a shit-eating grin on your face.
I don't have any of them, but I'm on my way to get Thorn... Why isn't Thorn on the list anyway?
I have hawk moon and thorn fully upgraded and thorn shits on every other hand cannon. #facts
Got my first 15 kill streak with thorn... Why can't I choose thorn!
I'm curious, how do those with The Last Word, find the range in comparison to The Devil You Know, (which has the Send It perk)? I still want The Last Word, but is it as useful in PvP?
I think Fatebringer is under estimated and under loved due to it being purple as well as hard to acquire. It's much rarer to see/get then even the Vex Mythoclast.
I'm so happy I have the last word, hawkmoon, and thorn :)
I have both the hawkmoon and TLW, but to be fair the HM is better, but my goodness the last word is so cool to use! Practically- hawkmoon .. sheer coolness- the last word
Edited by Raider TCK: 10/22/2014 5:00:24 PMUnless you clicked Fatebringer, from a PVE standpoint, you clicked wrong. Arc Damage on a primary, so you beast the nightfalls and anything with an arc shield. Enemies killed with crits explode. 13 rounds in the clip.
Wait, so all that work I did camping in PVP with my void shotgun and then beating the Phogoth raid for the Thorn bounty.... all for a hand cannon that doesn't even make the list of top hand cannons?
Regulated mk56 , lvl19 rare hand canon for pvp. Iv not been luck enough to get hawkmoon . The mk56 has 12 shots, and slightly less impact than hawkmoon. 2 shot kills and 3 shot kills all day. Fast reload ( epically if you buy legendary arms with the reload perk , it's pvp so stats don't matter ) For pve , Thorn for lower lvl daily stuff . Lord high fixer for everything else.
I'm a bit surprised by the lack of love for Lord High Fixer. Solid in all categories with a large amount of rounds (for a handcannon). But I'm still pining over Fatebringer. Want that gun so bad.
Please remember that Hawkmoon is a PS exclusive so the Xbox side cannot decide on that. So that obviously will not win.
I don't have last word yet, but hawkmoon is straight up better than Timur's, Lord, and Devil in every way. Fatebringer is nice for pve with the arc damage and solid aoe damage output, but pales in comparison in pvp.
Does Thorn suck that bad that it didn't even make this list?