What are you talking about? Have you leveled up your sub class? If you setup sun singer correctly your armor and recovery are almost maxed out and you can self revive. Hunters armor and recover doesn't even come close. If you put a hunter armor perks as high as they can go he has almost no recovery. I don't get what you're saying then.
You said that a warlock has the highest armor and recovery. Titan has the highest available armor.
Oh ok I haven't been a Titan but I know a Sunsinger Warlock can have there armor bar almost filled.
It's about 3/4 maxed. And that's because it's a support role. Just like the hunter has max agility almost because he is an attack role.
That is not true...
What isn't true
Sunsinger being a support role. That's not really true. Sunsinger is more like the Shaman in Allods online. Its every role except crowd control.