[url=https://i.ppy.sh/4f498060352c72cc01908d38073a6a271deeaec0/687474703a2f2f6665383637622e6d656469616c69622e676c6f67737465722e636f6d2f6d656469612f61622f616238376137383134336662623930636661386636393939363361386331643164393362383230363933646530313531353363343261366232626631653239352f637574652d6b697474792e6a7067] Here you go [/url]
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! *cough* Um, excuse me for a moment, will you? *sound of cinder blocks being smashed by fist* There, much better. #mancardunrevoked
Should I, like, care about that "mancard" thing?
Just a joke, I guess. You had to picture a forty something guy clicking on the kitty picture and squealing like a little kid and then having to compensate for being "unmanly" by wrestling an alligator or something equally as stupid. I like kitties, too!
Oh wait, the jokes. I didn't get it, my bad.
I am a normal man, and that made me smile...the cuteness is overwhelming.