Let me set the scene for you;
You're just wondering around, capturing some points in control, when you decide that popping your Ward of Dawn is a good idea.
Now you have a viable way to defend the objective for a short period of time until it goes away.
..and by 'goes away' I mean that some cocky Hunter or a snotty Warlock has come along, used their respective Super Charge and now, 3 seconds after you popped it up to relax under with a spot of Titan Tea, you are sat naked, alone, and wondering where your dead teammates are.
Can any of my brothers relate?
Can anyone offer a suitable explination as to why [i]our[/i] super is the weakest? When it is currently the only subclass that really promotes strategy.
Rise with me, fellow Titans!
Take back the Dawn!
Fight for a buff!
[spoiler]..or don't, I'm not your mother.[/spoiler]
Edit: This thread was made with a fun little theme to it to try and avoid all the usually negativity on these forums, so thanks for everyone for keeping it civil.
Edit 2: I have the saint-14 helm, and usually do very well within my precious bubble. It just makes me a sad little Titan when the super gets taken down by another super.
Edit 3: Im not saying that it shouldn't be taken down when a super is used against it. What I am saying is that it shouldn't kill everything inside. The warlock and hunter supers currently just fly through it as if it wasn't there.
I've had this happen quite a few times and it is fairly annoying. When I use it one of two things usually happen. A. It is nearly instantly penetrated and I've basically wasted my super due to another class having theirs ready. or B. Hordes of the enemy run into my bubble and I proceed to bash their faces in with my fist. My record as of today is brutally murdering 4 players with my bare hands before a warlock came along with his purple wave of death... It truly appalls me that people have yet to learn you DO NOT enter our bubble with us inside for THEY SHALL NOT LIVE! My bigger annoyance is the fact that Force Barrier has a horrible tendency to take is sweet time activating.