originally posted in:D E V I A N T
Hi, my fromer groups were not active enough, trying yours. Willing to do at least 2 raids per week, more the merrier if i get invites ( practice and helping hand ), but though i did complete it few times im willing to follow leaders no prob. Still don't know yet some ideal routes ( Gorgon ) or positioning, but i know the phases. So im looking for people willing to invite me as a high leveled partner still in need of some guidance, i have mic and follow no prob. I also do weeklies. Want to dig for long term too, i paid for 2 dlcs.
Lv 29 titan and lv28 Hunter, working on warlock. On ps4, add me psn Marcussette
Please add me
Are you going to get a team together? Cause im looking to join on or make one of my own and just request people that would want to be in it
Psn:Sonic717 Warlock 26 Want help with strikes and raids. Add for help levelling up or just fun
Make this a team we can all add eacj othere and do rades/strikes
Couple of questions for you: What level do you suggest as minimum for first time in? How frustrating is it to raid with someone who hasnt been through it? I need to get my Hunter up a couple more notches before I consider it. Would you be willing to let me run it with you on normal for my first time? I've read about it and I understand the mechanics but I'm sure it will be much different when I get in there. I really dont want to piss off everyone so I'm looking for a patient group for my first time.
Im starting a grupe idk if you would like to be in it i post up some stuff on the clan page you can check it out if your interested and let me know
I need in on this this is wat im looking for