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originally posted in: 1 for the cod boys
10/23/2014 10:30:19 AM
I was on youtube yesterday and I saw a video about COD: AW multiplayer. Activision invited a bunch of COD youtubers to play the game and give their comments. As you might expect none of them will say anything negative about the game (otherwise they will probably never get an invite again from the Publisher). At the end of the video they had to describe the game in one word for which most said Fast. That sounds absolutely terrible, COD is already a fast paced shooter, so now they are making it even faster. I know that games evolve and the audience is different but it seems that the gameplay is fostering braindead players who don't spend time to think about tactics but rush out as fast and they can and get a kill. I'm sorry but this game doesn't appeal to me at all and same as the previous entries in the series I won't be getting it. Even though Destiny's MP is not stellar, it is still great with games such as Skirmish and Control make you think your tactics before running and shooting like a madman. Destiny is still fun and I will be spending time playing it in the next couple of months. On a side note I am glad that Ubisoft is bringing R6 back to its roots, a tactical shooter which finally forces you to use your brain (those of you who played the original PC games know what I mean).

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