I wonder sometimes, when this rule and sportsmanship got lost in the gaming world.
In the beginning of the FPS multiplayer era, there was an unwritten rule, saying: "If a player is not moving and faces a wall, he is afk for a moment and therefore its gunmanship to frag him then!". You just moved on than and looked for other victims.
I already played games, where this rule was respected. Of course it is not applicable to game modes where the opponent has to be decimated without respawn, like regular Counter-Strike or things like "Last Man Standing", but no matter what game mode I am playing the last years, the rule is absolutely abscent and nobody seems to care about it. I think it became obsolete, when all this tactical shooters came up and it's easier to apply in TDM or DM.
I just wanted to know, how many people even had contact with this former unwritten law in their gaming history and what you think about it.
Ah unwritten rules. I also stare at the pitcher after hitting a home run in baseball just to let him know that he's a punk.