Like the subject states....I'm looking. Need a clan that will actually help its members and not just join to be apart of a bigger clan. I currently have a level 24 titan. I will be doing a warlock class at some point as well. Just let me know.
Hey DcZombie, Thirteenth Organization is always open for new members. We're a clan that does all activities from dailies to hard raids, we have a group wall where players can talk and sometimes group up in. We currently boast 75+ Clan Mates and 150+ Members and could most probably run you through your first raid completion once you reach the appropriate level. Owning a mic is a major bonus. Check us out: If you decide to join, please bear our clan tag and don't be shy to post on the forum or group wall or adding other clan mates, and if you believe the clan does not work out for you it's fine if you decide to leave, we don't hold grudges. Feel free to message me any questions regarding the clan. SlaughterSmiley - Admin of [XIII]
"The second curtain" is looking for new clan members. Preferably members with mics. We've beaten the raid multiple times, nightfall strikes, daily strikes, queen missions, crucible, iron banner etcetc. Here for fun and leveling. There are only a few requirements: 1) Mics are recommended but Not Mandatory. If you dont have one, then just confirm you can hear people when they talk. ((Teamwork is essential for raids and lvl 28 strikes) 2) dont abuse your mic ((dont be annoying please)) 3) respect other clan members. 4)have fun. Send Deadangel88 a message or post on our wall to let us know what you need to accomplish. The clan will do everything it can to help you. We're also not focused on one game mode. We play all modes and matches. We'll help with any mission or bounty you need. Clan name may change multiple times throughout the day for humor, but will always change back by the end of the day. Name changes will occur depending on where I am and who I'm playing with. If you would like a certain clan name to appear under your name, just let me know and ill change it just for you for a short period of time all in the name of fun. Please note that even though this clan is not one of the more serious clans that expect you to be on 24/7.We do in fact know what we are doing. For ex: We've Beaten the raid in under 2 hrs with the final boss taking only 8 mins on the first attempt. We've beaten nightfall strikes on first tries. We've taken out full teams with 2 men short while doubling the opponent's score in the crucible. We'll let you shoot us in the face 20 times in rumble to help with crucible bounties. We know what we're doing and we know how to help. I even host 2 minute raid parties at gorgons labyrinth to pick up 2 quick raid chests if anyone has missed them from time to time. I've also hosted quick 30 sec raid parties to give anyone the last CP on Hard. Join and become elite, join and laugh, join and have fun. Bottom line... join. If u dont like us then leave us. One final rule... No Drama plz. We're not here to yell at one another. If a plans not workin then change the plan, not get upset and take it out on others. And no know it alls... they're the most dramatic of em all. Help and inform, not take charge and talk down to others. Looking forward to working you. Click the link above to join and message me deadangel88 for any assistance when I'm available.
PS 3/4 clan--"ALL DAY ORBITALS"--We are a laidback group of gamers that enjoy drama free Destiny experiences. We strive to promote team oriented attitudes and we are looking for those who have the same mindset. Join us for FireTeams who are looking to help each other with Bounties, Strikes, Raids, Gear and make a name for ourselves in the PVP arena.<WE DO HAVE STANDARDS>Look us up, read our requirements in our “About” section and let us know. (Mics are plus for team orientation) Ragers, screamers, non-stop whiners or chatties, and self-proclaimed "know it alls" please apply elsewhere.