Does people using the wrong terminology or names for things irk anyone else?
Im not trying to be rude or complain I just get the urge to correct people whenever they call something by a name that no matter how you stretch it, is not what it is.
Is this just me? if not then what are some examples anyone else comes across.
I know how you feel.... I come from a mmo background and one thing that irks me with them is they use wrong terminology ie. scoop instead of wipe for well wipes. I've asked them before why are they using that word and one of them said if you play card games you'll know.... I've played mtg same game he plays and it irks me to hell every time he uses scoop.... in destiny u don't have a hand and your not capable of scooping anything....... sorry ranted on a little more then needed but OP I feel you.
Edited by BlackHawkDrunk: 10/23/2014 7:47:49 PMWho gives a shit? Are you one of those NRA psychos that gets mad when someone calls a magazine a clip or whatever? If so, you'd hate me because I say "[i]adding killin balls to my shootin thingy[/i]" and I started doing it because of a thread just like this one...
Edited by Angel_Soren: 10/23/2014 7:46:31 PMProblem with that is the thought of language is universal but not universally accepted. Prime example is the fact that we all have a form of communication, yet we all can't convey what we mean perfectly whether its through miscommunication, mistranslation, or misunderstanding. Therefore, their isn't a right or wrong way to use words. For example, if I too a pen and started calling it a "dip" so long as "someone" is able to understand what I meant, I'm using my terminology correctly. In the long run, it's not about using it the right or wrong way, but did said person understand or not.
That thing, that does the thing for that thing?
What are you talking about?