Greetings. Currently I'm a Nuclear Engineering Major at Penn State and I haven been tasked for my Engineering and Design Course to design a car for a company called Delphi. Now I need to know from you as a consumer, would you prefer to be the primary importance of the car. Either do you want it to be safe, green or connected?
Connected meaning that it can connect with your phone as well as other pieces of technology. Also don't feel inclined to pick safety, cars by design are typically safe. If you still alive safety that much then you can vote for it.
Thanks for your vote
Edit: you can have safety or a green car through connectivity m. Anyone want me to elaborate just say so
Since vehicles are pretty safe already, I would choose green. As in, high fuel efficiency and minimized toxic emissions. I wouldn't want to have a car that used that ethanol-hybrid gasoline that comes from corn, though, because that would just increase food prices due to more corn being used for car fuel instead of food. Hydrogen fuel cells might be pretty efficient, but I'm pretty certain they still have years to go before being as overall efficient as gasoline. But "green" in general.