I did one vault of glass run, and it was just a bud who needed help with Atheon, I got the last word. On the other end of the spectrum I've solo'd night falls and got sunbreakers, 2 legendary pulse rifles (RNG must think I'm a pulse rifle nut? Got like 5) just got MIDA multitool from phogoth, solo'd him. Now that was flipping nuts lol.
I worked hard to get them but hell, I got the Monte Carlo doing a cosmodrome missions bounty, so didn't do crap for that. I honestly could care less if xur sold all exotics. Still gotta earn them coins and a lot of us (me not included) don't have time to run more than one character, to farm coins. So hey if he had last word cool. Enjoy.
Can't we just get over this you, me and the other guy didn't earn stuff? Let's just play.
Edit: I know not of this ego thing. Pre xur weapons never had anyone be like OmFG BBQ! FTw teh leet where did you get that... Cool guns but man, sooner or later we will all have most.
Stay on topic. To many derailments. It's a thread about what you don't want him to sell, if you don't care what he sells well that's fine to but we must stay on topic.