Destiny got bad reviews because they didn't buy them. Also the game is unfinished as bungie said a bunch of times.
But I seriously love smash and hope it gets all 10s
Edited by Saint Genji: 10/24/2014 10:01:13 AMNot all reviews can be bought, if you honestly think that bungie and activision couldn't buy good ratings than you are a bratwurst. Bayonetta 2 for example is an unbelievable game and its reviews reflect that, same for smash. I couldn't even watch the latest direct all the way too because my mind was being blown every minute, so I had to close it down my brain couldn't handle all the content being released for one game. Never once has a destiny video done that, even the E3 footage.
I love smash but I love destiny. It definitely deserved better reviews. Smash and B2 both deserved the praise.
Destiny deserved what it got, it is basically a worse borderlands.
I don't know about worse. Different yes. Worse, hmm. It doesn't have the humor. But other than that and the "bazillion" guns I think destiny has tighter controls and a more epic scale and ambition. Borderlands was amazing though. So it's tough
Destiny had better concept but poor execution. many games suffer from this, doesn't change the fact that it is still incredibly fun. Destiny has very little weapon variety compared to borderlands, Borderlands loot system is better, the classes are arguably better and more varied and the list goes on. Even the weakest title of the bunch, Pre Sequel I still find to be a stronger game than Destiny. If Destiny wasn't rushed, and didn't cut content to cater to the lesser consoles (xbox 360, ps3) and to achieve a T Rating, then maybe it would have been the game everybody thought it was going to be. Destiny feels like the perfect foundation for Destiny 2, hopefully 10 year old consoles are not involved in that games creation and hopefully not as rushed.
Nice. Well that was interesting an actual conversation without trolling or crying. Thanks man!