To answer the title, no.
Let me remind you that the last time we saw these locations was in [u][b]concept art [/b][/u] from four to six years ago. I would like to take this moment to show you some more concept art from Destiny:
[url=]Giant frogs, [/url][url=]spooky ghosts, [/url]and [url=]horses [/url]confirmed in Destiny.
Let me reiterate: concept art is art created to unify a team working on a project together. Communicating solely with words can leave very different pictures in team member's minds. That's not what you want when everybody's working towards the same goal. The art from these places like Old Chicago was from when Bungie wasn't sure what they were doing, that Destiny is different from the beta that you are or will be playing. This art is in no way confirmation of anything, even horses.
Of course, Bungie has been very secretive about the game. We haven't seen much and we're a month and a half from release. This isn't to say that Old Chicago and Europa won't be in the game (I sure as hell hope they are), but that we have no concrete evidence that they will be. Just don't get your hopes up Guardians, you will be setting yourself up for disappointment.
Yep, these are all things that I had looked forward to in Destiny.