originally posted in:DoD The Unknown Ps3
Would like to get a raid going around 9 est. Right now its myself and Dalen83. Msg me on here or Psn me drgrim1022.
I'm online now but I wouldn't be able to join in for a little bit longer. My kid is still up watching me play a little bit he'll be going to bed soon and once he's there, I would be good to go if there is still a spot open.
I'm online, will join up with you in a few. Time to start mobilizing. :)
Newbie here, l27 and lfg.
Same here. I'd like to try to get in on at least one of the raids going on tonight!
Me too, not sure which raid I'll be on but I want in one! Msg me, PSN: Kaprikorn80
I would like to join you guys. Might be on closer to 10pm though. I'll just check if you are still looking for someone at the time.
Looks like there is a couple raids tonight. I should be on and if I'm free, I'll be happy to join up.