originally posted in:Chuckling sarcophagus
i think there should be one person in each raid that is designated as the Raid Leader(RL). The purpose of this person is to be the one to tell people when things need to happen. The RL will be the one to split people into groups and adjust the groups according to how well they are doing. When we start the first boss the raid leader will be the only one talking except for the person holding the relic. The only exceptions to this should be asking for help or telling everyone when you are down and where. On the final boss the RL should be outside. The person with the relic and the raid leader should be the only ones giving commands. Feed back on this is encouraged.
If you think its a dumb idea don't just say its dumb give a good reason or a change that you think we should make.
i wanna play with the RL
I hear you....
When the raid first begins before the vog opens the RL needs to be in the center monitoring both sides and assisting with void sniper damage on both sides. This will greatly benefit and expedite the beginning of the raid. Same goes for the confluxes before facing the gatelord. When the fight begins with the gatelord the person designated as the relic holder is the primary talker. When facing the timelord before atheon their will be 2 designated leaders. The primary relic holder on the inside and the main RL on the outside defending the conflux. Same goes when facing atheon