So the Suros Regime is in practically everyone's hands, the crucible are now belong to Suros. How does a guardian survive without the most noob friendly gun in the game? AMA
Passed twice on the Suros Regime, an AR that shoots sort of like an automatic hand cannon with no recoil. I've decided to avoid buying it twice, I still do fine in the crucible. AMA
Suros Regime might be for you if the following apply:
A) You can't control recoil and suck at FPS games.
B) You have to be on top of the score chart in the crucible with minimal effort.
C) You suck at using other weapons: hand cannons, scout rifles, pulse rifles, auto rifles with recoil.
D) You suck at using real auto rifles.
E) Probably all of the above.
I'm an E. I play Destiny for the soccer ball and hot dance moves.
I use Suros in PVE and PVP. I don't use just Suros, but I still use it because, what's this? Could it be? It's a good gun. Especially in the right hands. And if you say it's not good then I want to know what guns you're getting because I carry my team in strikes and I'm decent with it in PVP usually getting MVP(I do die more than I'd like, but I never get below a 1.0 K/D). But like I said, I swap between Suros (which is now my go to AR. My shadow price doesn't have the perks to counter it), a scout, and a pulse depending on the map. In other words, it's a good gun, even if "everyone" has it. If you don't like it, I'm not one to judge, we all have our preferences. Call me a noob all you want, but my preference is Suros.
I bought the suros regime the first time he sold it and then I got the shadow price from a legendary engram and I haven't touched suros since then lol
Edited by Crimson Lupi: 10/24/2014 8:56:33 PMI treat my exotics like I treat my pokemon. One day, I'll have 1 of every exotic (i've barely used the regime yet, though. Maybe some day in the raid, i dunno?)
I have a K/D of 2 something. It's all about the Vision of Confluence. It's amazing. I don't even have it slightly upgraded.
Bought it the first time, I don't use it though. I'm a collector. I didn't vote either, because there wasn't an option for me.
I primarily use a handcannon, my armor is designated for handcannon. Suros has lifesteal. U mad cuz u bad bro?
Your post is full of butthurt OP sorry to say.
I just like to shoot aliens in the face
Ive bought it this time round, didn't realise there was such a hype, i thought the monte carlo was meant to be better. Haven't tried it on pvp yet, like it alot on pve though. I used the shadow price online mainly, tried the hand canon. I dont think any buff or nerf is going to fix the hand canon, pulse rifle and scout rifle problem, there just not that effective as an assault rifle vrs moving targets, fine against pve enemies with predictable Ai, not against pvp vrs the human mind
I didn't buy it last time because that was the first ime xur sold something other than sunbreakers if memory serves me right, and i didn't buy it this time because i got bad juju, icebreaker, and the vex mytholocast all on Thursday.
that was the last exotic I needed to have all of them suros goes to my hunter. warlock has hard light. and titan has Monte Carlo. it sounds like you just die from this gun a lot
I bought it this time around for 2 reasons, collector and the hoard of strange coins I had going lol. Still haven't used it though, I love my hand cannons too much.
All i use is atheons epilogue
I bought it just see what people are crying about. The Suros feels unnaturally smooth when fired. I have plenty of other weapons to use like Grim Citizen and Crypt Dweller and Plan C. I like the feel of Crypt Dweller more. I just wish it had a bigger magazine. No matter what happens in this game someone always finds something to complain about.
Wow your dick is soooooo bigger than mine because you didn't buy a gun
woah sir?!?!? calm it down on the casual hate.
Never got it dont really need it since I have atheoens and prefer using my icebreaker or truth tbh tho that's personal preference I guess
thinking of buying it to put it in the bank and add to my collection. Poor little guy will most likely never get leveled.
Got to admit I hated it the 1st time around. This time I was so sick of not having an exotic I bought it. Was okay the lack of recoil was nice. Ran two tigers with it and got an icebreaker. Not used it since. Scout rifle + icebreaker = <3
Lol i like how youre so opinionated about a gun you appatently have never touched. Im not saying its not OP but youre like a child saying he hates a food he never tried before just cause its healthy hahaha
I'm not the best in PvP by any means but I can tell you that I've killed plenty of people that use this gun against me in 1v1 shootouts. There is a thing called STRAFING that really comes in handy. When I DO get killed and see this was the weapon they used I can almost always say that it was because of something I did/didn't do. Lastly, if you're playing a team game your team should be working together and putting shots on the same guys if possible. People's complaining and whining is way more annoying that being killed a few times with this gun.
I just got the vex mythoclast and i prefer that then suros regime
First off let me say all of this is irrelevant because your biased. But I use scouts and pulse rifles I bought the suros to use it to see what the hype is about. I like my VoC more. A lot more. And when bad juju gets buffed I'll be using it because I love it now as it stands. But I don't think acting like people are bad because they use a certain Weapon. But meh :p
Didn't buy it last time, won't be buying it this week either. Suck it up buttercup.
I kill auto Rifle users with red death all the time What's the problem again?