originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
If you are a hard core raider like my clan is(including me), if some fu-cks up 5 times in a row. They are out, we don't need them wasting anyones time. I don't do the raid for people out of sympathy( unless they are a very close friend and skilled). I do it to level up and get gear. That way if i do get my gear i can be more beneficial to the team instead of holding them back. Last, when i get invited to do the raid with a random group who are tower surfing. If they only have like 1 other guy, i will not help because they always ask for me to invite my friends, keep in mind my friends have there own agendas so im not about to disturb them if they have already done the raid and there is nothing in it for them to get.
Video games, serious business
Good for you. Make sure you tell a new person that up front so they can leave straight away.