busted my arse all week to get it mostly on the strikes trying to get the fusion rifles to dismantle finally get them then attempted the nigthfall around 10 times to get the kills, get the gun 3 mag clip are you kidding me? even a 4 mag clip would at least make the pocket infinity perk worth the while I don't get why the small mag with a perk like that. I know it was nerfed but come on 3 bullets? what a joke
You too just suck with fusion rifles... you dont need 4 rounds in the mag, 3 is just fine.
You do know only the first round does full damage an the rest do half on pocket infinity. I prefer the light/beware in PVP with the perks I got, but for an exotic 3 rounds is pathetic, I have not come across any fusion rifle with less than 4 an thats from uncommon to exotic in the entire game so far, exotics being the most unique an powerful weapons seems like they wanted to satisfy those complaing about being killed by the pocket infinity, have you seen the charge rate on that weapon you can easily die if you don't anticipate your enemy, in a stand off you can't kill you have to be charging before you encounter or get lucky, an even then the stability is so low you have to fight to keep the shots on target, they went a little too far 4 in the mag an I think it's fair or keep 3 an give the standard charge time that's what I say