Dear Bungie,
I have ran the RAID a lot the RAID gear drop is completely BS. My stats doesnt even show the correct amount of time that I have ran it. Sorry Bungie I have a 6 year profile with you guys but I prob am not EVER touching this -blam!-ed up game again. I am tired of only being able to hit Level 30 by getting RAID gear. Then I run it 5 times. 3 reg and 2 in Hard Mode and guess what I dont get shit! Don;t forget a Noob gets in there for the first time and boom reward for him is 2 RAID Gear Piece. Not to mention running it on Hard Mode twice with 6 players in each time (all the same players on 2 different characters) and NO ONE I repeat NO ONE gets the Vex Mythoclast even after patch on HM. Then my friend made a few good points to me:
1. You are using the name of Bungie but the fact is you are NOT the same team that brought us the Halo Series. Just the same name of the company (Very misleading sees you advertised that way)
2.) You got -blam!-ed by Activision just like Microsoft -blam!-ed you with Halo. Should have stuck with your original plan cause it destroyed your game.
I am a long term Halo Player and was looking for you all to create the next big thing, like replacement to Halo, but NO. So goodbye Bungie it was worth the try but it has FAILED up to this point. RIP Bungie and sorry Sony Bungie -blam!-ed you all too with this game cause I prob wont be turning my PS4 on in quite a while. Back to Xbox One and hello 343i and the Master Chief Collection.
Farewell, from a very disappointed long known big fan,
p.s. I will be playing Halo 5 Guardians Beta over the Destiny First DLC launch cause everything leaked and I am not interested in the game anymore same old shit just a few adds yea thats going to keep a community together
P.S.S. For you NEW Developers (Most of the team) Competitive Multiplayer (PvP) is a HUGE thing if you would actually invest in it. Ask any of the former developers that worked on Halo and ask them about the good ol' MLG Days they will tell ya
Thank you for leaving. Now take the rest of your self entitled whiny little friends with you and go play something else.