I agree completely!! People only use the plan C now... But watch bungie nerf that now. The pocket infinity is useless... By far the worst "hotfix" bungie had brought out (imo)
They better not nerf Plan C. That'll just be going too far.
I've been using the Pocket Infinity over Plan C for awhile now. And I have been tearing it up. I guess you just suck at pvp with fusion rifles...
I guess you're the minority clown... Obviously everyone in this world isn't intelligent like me, we also have some retards amongst us (you), so of course there will be some people still clinging onto the pocket infinity.
I just play the game smart. If you need 6 shots to take down 1 guy in the crucible, then stop using fusion rifles altogether. The stability more than makes up for the 3 shots.
Lol! 6 shots! Stability... I clearly now know that you're a post hotfix pocket infinity user. Don't talk to me.