So the Suros Regime is in practically everyone's hands, the crucible are now belong to Suros. How does a guardian survive without the most noob friendly gun in the game? AMA
Passed twice on the Suros Regime, an AR that shoots sort of like an automatic hand cannon with no recoil. I've decided to avoid buying it twice, I still do fine in the crucible. AMA
Suros Regime might be for you if the following apply:
A) You can't control recoil and suck at FPS games.
B) You have to be on top of the score chart in the crucible with minimal effort.
C) You suck at using other weapons: hand cannons, scout rifles, pulse rifles, auto rifles with recoil.
D) You suck at using real auto rifles.
E) Probably all of the above.
Well this is an awfully obvious ranting thread, first time posting on something like this... I've played many, many games in the past; favourites including Zelda, Mario... (the list goes on). These classic games, after you beat them once, or in my case, several times gives the urge to go back and try something new, challenging; the NPC's are of consistent difficulty and thus, is up to you to use different more challenging methods to spice up your game,[i] if you'd like[/i] that is. In competitive multiplayer games where you're facing or teaming up with humans in order to take down other humans or high-difficulty NPCs then you're almost forced to use exotics or legendaries in Raids and of course, Hard Raids. (Not so much [i]balanced[/i] PvP game modes). What the OP essentially boils down to is the old traditional "[i]I don't use a weapon, I am a man(ly) man, I use my fists, armour is for the weak flesh, I have the fur of animals around my back[/i]" sort of type. You don't gain respect from anybody going through matches with uncommon items, but evidently you want your voice to be heard and to gain acknowledgement of your 'feats' accomplished. Tell me, if you was in a war, or even just sparring with some strangers, would you not like them to see the best of your, proclaimed 'EZmode' ability?