So, after about a month and a half of blasting through everything Destiny has to offer, I, and I'm sure many others feel the same way, are falling deeper and deeper into boredom's grasp. The strikes, weeklies, nightfalls and dailies are fun and all, don't get me wrong, but something can only be played so many times before they lose their shine.
So, I thought of something that might give (at least strikes) a longer life time of joy.
How about making it so that Strikes (maybe story missions as well, but doubtful) have multiple ways to navigate through them? For instance, say there's a strike where you have to break into a Fallen compound somewhere on Earth. The entrance could be heavily fortified: an easy way inside, but risky. However, you notice Fallen supply ships carrying cargo in through some kind of docking bay on the roof. You could parkour your way up there and come in through the top, but you'll have ships, servitors and shanks up your ass. Then, you notice another way in. The sewers. It could be maze like with the occasional patrol roaming about and tons of traps, but generally risk-free. Now you have three ways to proceed with the strike. Hell, you could even split your team up and attack it from different angles. The main point, though, is that it would give the strikes multiple ways to bust through them.
Another thing to add some variety is, maybe we could have some side-missions inside of the strikes. Like, say in the compound, another group of Guardians (who arrived before you) were captured and imprisoned by the Fallen. Then, your side objective would be to save the Guardians (if they were still alive, that is). Or have a computer terminal somewhere inside the compound that you could hack into to get the Vanguard more information on the Fallen's plans. These side missions could even appear randomly for the strikes: as in, they won't always be there. There'd be a RNG for if they would show up and which ones.
Just a few thoughts. Comment if you think these are good ideas; hell, even leave your own ideas or add-ons below.