To become a level 30 guardian, Destiny requires that you wear 3 Raid Legendary armor pieces and 1 Exotic. You're forcing Titans to look about 75% the same as other Titans, minus the fact that one could have an exotic helmet while another has an exotic chest. The same applies to Warlocks and Hunters. It also makes armor rewards from Queen's Wrath missions, the Iron Banner, etc. pointless. Those armor pieces look amazing! But, I have no desire to unlock these items because it will not help me progress to level 30.
Have you considered: when a guardian receives a raid armor loot, for example gauntlets, behind the scenes, you apply a switch to their guardian. Such as, "Raid_Gauntlets_Received: true"? Then, if the guardian has that switch set to true, it allows legendary gauntlets received from the Iron Banner, FWC, Dead Orbit, Vanguard to now reach light level 30, instead of 27.
This adjustment would make armor rewards more exciting and useful while also increasing Guardian individuality.
All armour and guns should be allowed to hit raid gear level just make it cost more mats and strange coins. Shouldn't we all be given the choice of leveling up armour and guns we like from white - green from green - blue from blue - purple and finally purple - yellow. This would allow more variations of any armour or gun. We should also be allowed the choice of perks from a set list allowing us the chance to tailor our specific guns and armour to our play style. (This would require limitations but I'm sure it could be achieved) All the lovely guns and armour that just serve no purpose apart from scrapping for mats. imagine the diversity amongst our fellow guardians if we where allowed this method of leveling. To counter the rise they could just have it so that levels can only be achieved once a player reaches a certain rank then upgrade options unlock for guns and armour.