Geez, I have played my share of crucible and as a good player I can tell you that the titan is the worst class to bring into the crucible, I don't know why you would post an essay on why they are OP when they are clearly not, but honestly titan nerf? when I saw this thread I honetly had no idea what you meant or why, and I still don't, I don't play crucible for any reason other than things like exotic bounties so I don't care about things bungie does to it, but don't ask them to change whole subclasses, subclasses are the basis for class chose and play style and well are fundamental to the game and its mechanics, so asking them to change that would be asking someone to change the foundation of a built house, it can be done but is to hard pointless and destroys more than already is there. Also you do realize if they changed whole subclasses for PVP it would be the same in PVE right? well we are at it why don't we make all subclasses PVP only and do nothing in PVE, honestly don't even consider changing a fundamental part of PVE simply because you dislike it in PVP. Why are you doing this anyway, Destiny has one of the worst PVP's I have ever played and you are going wayyyyyy out of your way to write essays on why they should nerf whole subclasses and change the whole game including PVE? if you hate it that much admit it is the wrost PVP ever and move on, don't get stuck on Destiny as if it is the first and last PVP FPS ever and try to fix and "balance" the whole thing by nerfing everything to hell, when someone wants to actually balance something the word "nerf" never crosses there mind, because balance is not about simply removing anything that is better than the worst it is not about making the worst players equal with the best, it is about equal chance and ups and downs to everything which balance themselves, there is no balance if everything is equal and the same because there is nothing to balance because it is all the same trash, balancing is the act of making different elements equally useful and bad and different play styles and circumstances, the people who want things "nerfed" don't understand the concept of balancing and would complain about losing to a titan's ground pound in a fist fight because it is unfair that they had no chance to win the fist fight so abilites should be removed. Like I said Destinies PVP is the worst I have ever player and is anything but balanced, but what you ask is going way to far.
P.S. just reading your post and descriptions of the titan being OP are so blindly by PVP rage and blind stupidity to anything but why you think it is OP and ignoring anything else at all in the crucible it makes me seriously wonder if this is just a troll thread, lol, No offense to you. Just simply stop playing the crucible if you think it is that busted, it is really busted but the titan would not even be on the list of why it is.
P.P.S. Did I really end up with a huge paragraph response? lol I only wanted to say one sentence, lol.
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