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originally posted in: 1 for the cod boys
10/26/2014 1:32:25 AM
First off, I'm only saying die in terms of the brand. Destiny will not take off and it will not do better, as far as I'm concerned. I don't know a single person who's willing to buy the DLC for this game let alone have an inkling of excitement for further installments. Second, CoD can be monotonous, but Destiny is more monotonous than CoD. At least when you're playing multiplayer CoD FEELS different. Different people fighting you with different tactics, not to mention a slew of different game modes, multiple weapons that feel somewhat different. Here's what Destiny offers. One campaign mission (seriously, every mission is exactly the same, you just change the skins on the enemies). One strike (same as campaign) and three PvP modes. Loot you say? All the same I say. It has a broken loot system that no other MMO would touch with a ten foot pole, no trading, no real MMO qualities, BARELY any RPG qualities (about as much as a game like... I don't know... Call of Duty would offer) and the most monotonous mission structures I've ever seen in my entire life of gaming. At least in Call of Duty they TRY to do some interesting things. Crazy cutscenes, some quick time events, a plot that makes at least a bit of sense which doesn't require a thirty dollar DLC or leaving the game to look at a poorly optimized codex. You're a Destiny fanboy. You refuse to see the flaws in the game. So there's no point in my replying to you further.

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