Exotics should be gained by completing their own story quests. Like exotic bounties but none of the super grind, repetition, rage causing elements.
Exotics are luck based. There isn't any cool factor to owning them. Before you think you are clever by posting "hur dur OP wuns be special snowflake" I'm not talking about the amount of people who have it. I'm talking about belonging to a special club. I see a thorn user and think "damn, what a champ. He grinded void kills and beat that summoning pits mission". I see Suros and think "How boring. Got 23 coins, nothing special"
They should have their own stories. Thorn is the only weapon that requires any challenge to obtain and the weapon isn't even that great.
Read the exotic Grimoire, we should have to go through their stories to unlock the weapons. Look at the last word for example. The story behind the gun is badass. If we had to do something (I don't even care if it requires RNG) to unlock the mission, then walk through a story to get the gun, I'd be happy. Imagine walking with the original renegade gunslinger. At the end something happens and he gives you his gun. Or fighting through hostile lands to find Toland's Journal, instead of grinding repetitive strikes.
Anyone who gets to level 30 and has lots of exotics isn't cool, they just have more time to make deals with RNGesus. If exotics have a legacy in game, I wouldn't even care about RNG, I'd be impressed when I see someone who has one. At the least, I'd understand what they went through. I wouldn't think "oh, got lucky".
It's not like it's asking for an arm and a leg. The stories behind every exotic are already in the Grimoire. How about we cut the repetitive crap and get to some good stuff? When you borrow elements from other genres, you don't take the bad stuff. Less luck. More awe.
what makes my thorn all the more special was that i was lucky enough to get the bounty in the first place. i dont think Exotic weapons should have a story mission that is accessable to everyone, i think it really should be based on luck. its supposed to have a special feeling, like you have an Excalibur, or even THE Excalibur of whatever gun. its supposed to be unbiased. it doesnt get anymore unbiased than luck. luck favors whatever it wants to, not pros or noobs, solo players or team players. just whatever the server dishes out is what you get. as for guns and armors sold by Xur, i think they need to make the way of obtaining strange coins a luck-based thing too. perhaps they should be put up to the legendary tier and should be given a small chance of being dropped by enemies. i mean the same chances that an enemy has to drop a legendary or even exotic engram. they shouldnt be given out like candy for beating some "just beat the story a few days ago"-leveled strike. that, and i think the prices should be increased for exotics too. 17-30 of a rare-tiered item/currency is just too cheap for an exotic, or, as i described before, an Excalibur of a weapon/armor piece the exotic engrams should be raised in price too. perhaps to 50-100 motes of light?