Yep, because I haven't seen one on here in a while.
Here's the line-up:
Team 1: Halo, Transformers, Warhammer, Marvel Comics, Destiny, Starcraft, Mass Effect
Team 2: Star Wars, Star Trek, DC Comics, Dead Space, Doctor Who, Metroid
Who wins? Each universe has access to ALL of it's species, weapons, and factions, deceased or not. Doctor Who loses any reality wiping/rewriting weaponry for obvious reasons, and can not travel back in time to kill the enemy team before the war is even started. They have to fight fair and square. Also, if I forgot any universes you think should be included, include them in your post.
Edit 1: Destiny added to Team 1. I think we know enough about it (Especially with Alpha being out now) to include them.
Edit 2: DC and Marvel lose all characters with omnipotence
Edit 3: No omnipotence, PERIOD.
Edit 4: No Halo Arrays. I thought some of this would be obvious.
Edit 5: Simple rule; if it can't be killed in anyway, then it's not allowed.
Edit 6: Omnipotent beings are allowed again, but they lose some of their powers for balancing reasons, and can be killed.
Le bumpitty