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Edited by sirscrote: 10/26/2014 2:26:43 PM
Listen, exotic weapons are not meant to be the end all be all of weaponry. They are exotic, which means they do special things they have different cosmetic values. I really don't understand the bullshit bitching it is very ignorant and stupid. This game I have concluded is for people of some intelligence, not inbredding Call of Duty barbarians of whom lack the simplistic critical thinking skills of a Third grader. For christ sake, look up the word exotic and then proceed to look up the word legendary. Edit- Here i've decided to help you comprehend the difference. Main Entry: leg·end·ary Pronunciation: \ˈle-jən-ˌder-ē, -ˌde-rē\ Function: adjective Date: circa 1587 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of legend or a legend 2 : well-known, famous — leg·en·dari·ly \ˌle-jən-ˈder-ə-lē, -ˈde-rə-\ adverb Here is exotic for you Main Entry: 1ex·ot·ic Pronunciation: \ig-ˈzä-tik\ Function: adjective Etymology: Latin exoticus, from Greek exōtikos, from exō Date: 1599 1 : introduced from another country : not native to the place where found <exotic plants> 2 archaic : foreign, alien 3 : strikingly, excitingly, or mysteriously different or unusual <exotic flavors> 4 : of or relating to striptease <exotic dancing> — ex·ot·i·cal·ly \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb — ex·ot·ic·ness \-tik-nəs\ noun Figure it out and churn out some brain power. I know it is hard for many of you to accept, but bungie thought that a vast majority of gamers were somewhat educated. Things have changed, they are now bumbling bros who couldn't tell thier left from thier right let alone critically think Which in this case doesn't require critical Thinking just common sense. Which is also something a vast majority of people are missing these days. Anywho, I am done with my rant. I patiently await your idiotic rebuttal. Sincerely Sir Scrote.

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  • Edited by Coeser: 10/26/2014 10:22:27 PM
    Good job you opened a dictionary and looked up words which you failed to put into context. Next time use your brain and actually try to interpret what words mean in a specific context. Exotics are the rarest items in the game, they should outperform legendaries, at least in pve.

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  • No exotics are basically unique legendaries. They are not better than legendaries. They are legendaries with bling.

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  • Gtfo

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  • Holy fawk, you are one retarded fanboy. No one forced Bungie to announce that they were going to buff these guns, but they did. That makes your post completely irrelevant, and you just look like an ignorant try-hard. You can type the longest post you want, but your reading comprehension sucks. Peace.

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  • I Don't have these weapons and really I am not great at FPS game. In all honesty, I am enjoying this game so much because of the blended styles. Maybe there are a lot of FPS players that don't truly understand that the once fancy item that took all your time to unlock will probably be out done by an expansion or dlc in the future. If you are familiar with WOW and FF series games for example the amazing gear is always out done later. Some hold a value but it is always ment to be switched out later by something even harder to obtain. People here never seem to post that reality. It is always they are pissed because this super weapon is not as super as they thought. How disappointed will you be when they roll an expansion out and some new players join in? The players will have the benefit of knowing that the new gun is better then the old gun and may not even try to get it. Maybe the level cap goes up and the new stuff brings all new, stronger exotics? Are we going to rage about it? It is the purpose of the game to dangle the carrot. There will for the forsee able future in this another carrot. Just play and have fun. If it isn't fun don't play.

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  • I'm a level 3 narcissist, how about you?

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  • Their*

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  • The bad juju and thorn suck though. I don't care if they're legendary level, but Hell you can only equip one and a lot of the exotics are good but the bad juju and thorn suck. There are common pulse rifles that can beat the bad juju, and the thorn is on level with common handccannons. If I can only equip one then shouldn't it at least be good?

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  • you tried too hard to be smart

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  • And FYI 3rd graders don't have critical thinking skills. Yes, China I'm looking at you, 5th graders are not supposed to be studying string theory! I'm glad you used Merriam Webster for your definitions though. NGL I would have judged you so -blam!-ing hard if you used to define "exotic" and "legendary."

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  • Bungie themselves admitted they failed to deliver the "wow" factor these two Exotics we're supposed to exude when being used. They specifically addressed the lackluster feel and performance for Thorn and Bad JuJu.

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  • *inbreeding

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  • Nope exotics are better than legendarys :)

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  • Not only do I agree with all the other replies to this irrelevant and condescending post, but even your own definitions provided don't provide anything. Legendary weapons in destiny are, by your definition, not legendary. Exotics on the other hand are especially legendary. Each exotic has a story and lore connected to it that gives it a legend. You're telling me an exotic weapon that spawns from a legend should only be cosmetically interesting? That's not how it works in the world of video games.

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  • That was my understanding. Destiny exotics seem to be actual stuff of legends.

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  • Those definitions helped so much, thanks for calling all of us retards. I guess that makes you a really nice guy with a lot of friends.

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  • Edited by Et Himmen: 10/26/2014 7:34:59 PM
    Bump [spoiler]nothing wins when it comes to sarcasm[/spoiler]

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  • That had to be the most ignorant post I have ever seen. Honestly it's like you didn't even want to bother discussing why Bungie hasn't buffed the guns they said they would, and cited the definitions of exotic and legendary as if that somehow argues anything at all. Technically just because something is legendary, it doesn't mean it's more powerful either. The whole idea of this class system was that exotics would be the most powerful. I mean I would expect someone to be intelligent enough to comprehend that is how weapon class systems work in videogames. Usually the more rare an item is, the stronger it is. Stop trying to sound intelligent because you're just coming off as a snobby kid that worships Bungie.

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  • I don't think you understand how difficult both bounties are, especially Thorn. For the work put into acquiring these weapons, they should channel god into your enemies like the Ark of the Covenant.

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  • "This account has not played destiny" What does a dictionary explanation of words have anything to do with the OP. Nothing. Most idiotic reply to a post I've seen in a long time. The OP was about thorn/juju developer stated buff/fix that was coming. You should get off your high horse and have a little humility.

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  • That was a useless post.

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  • Edited by Adam: 10/26/2014 2:45:19 PM
    Legendary by definition doesn't mean rare. Neither does exotic. Here, let me help you out: Common Uncommon............................................................. [b] Rarity and strength increases as you go down the list[/b] Rare Legendary Exotic It's called a tiered weapon system. The exotics are the highest tier.... It's that simple. Maybe look up the definition of that instead? Every loot based game has a system like this. No matter what terms are used, the highest tier is the rarest. So maybe instead of copy and pasting dictionary definitions and being rude to other people even though you're wrong, you could actually apply logic? And if somehow you're still unable to see the logic, why do you think you can only equip 1 exotic at a time hmm? I mean, if they're not the best weapons? You can equip as many legendaries as you like.... Your post just shows someone trying to sound intelligent, but failing.

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