I finished the raid legit the first couple times on both normal and hard. But as time went on, my raid group was looking for faster ways to complete the raid. That's how we learned about cheesing Atheon and the Templar.
We do it because it saves us time. Most members of my group have jobs and kids to take care of. We also run more that six members through the raid. We help out others even though we've done the raid ourselves and get no rewards for it.
I'm sure this isn't the way Bungie expected things to be. The fact that they're going to patch it is proof of that. And Ill glady honor their decision once the patch hits. Until then we'll cheese the hell out of Atheon and the temp .
EDIT: Even though I'll honor their decision to patch cheesing Atheon, I wont honor their decision to allow Atheon to teleport 3 random people.
I can totally understand this. It just so happened that it was my second time and I hadn't beaten Atheon yet. And technically I still haven't.
I get where you're coming from. Going through the raid for the first couple times was an amazing experience and one that no one should miss. That's why whenever I'm with a group that's relatively new to the raid, I ask them if they want to do the raid legitimately or cheesey.
Yes that's fine! It all relies on the community at the end of the day and we have to be decent to each other if we have any hope of a good future for this game xD