Discuss pls.
The "no hunter" topic for hard raids gets out off hand. I want to play the damn hard raid completely and not only get invited for a freaking atheon cheese. Bungie buff hunters for pve, srsly. There are 3 classes so if only one of them is "useless" in hard raids u will find ur game in a half year populated with only titans and warlocks. Hell I started those classes now because I am sick of all those "no hunter" raids. I want to play the game and not sitting all day in the tower waiting for a damn weekly reset so a cheeser invites me for atheon.
Ok so long skeedskeedskeed
Had to write this, let the hate train roll. English is not my main language. If u find something wrong u can keep it. Kkthxbye
Hunters are great in PvE. The only reason (bad) players don't bring them to raids is because hunters don't have the type of grenades that can walk the two bosses off a cliff. Once the patch goes live that ends that tactic, you'll stop seeing anti-hunter raids.